Top News Stories Discussed
1. What are the top news stories discussed and what insight do the top new stories give you in regard to that country?
The top news stories on the Israeli news site almost exclusively involve the conflict between the Israeli's and the Palestinians. One story was about a soldier that was checking people who were passing through a checkpoint and one man stabbed the soldier in the neck. In another story a leader from Israel went to Berlin in order to gain some support regarding the issue of Palestinians continuously shooting rockets at Israeli towns near the boarder. "It is difficult in Germany for us to imagine the daily threat against the local population," said one German official. By reading the Israeli news it is obvious that there country is in an intense struggle and that there is a great need for peace and stability.
2. How does their news compare to ours? (eg. Topics Covered?, Depth of News?
Their news primarily covers the violence that is happening near their boarder, this issue is by far the most predominant. But the news site also has a wide range of topics that one can read about including sports, business, real estate, and many other areas that American's would expect to see in the news. The Depth of their news is very similar to that of US news articles and their length is also very similar. If not for the mass of articles regarding attacks from Palestinians it would not be hard to mistake Israeli news articles for American news articles.
3. What specific things did you learn about the country by reading their news?
By reading Israeli news it became very clear to me that Israel is at war with Palestine. I have always heard that attacks are being made by both sides but I did not realize that it was happening every day all the time. Here is just one clip from the many articles involving violence "last Monday, two Palestinian suicide bombers entered the city. One detonated himself in a shopping center." This is common for the Israelis and their county is in need of further anti terrorist protection.
4. Are there any political slants to the news? If so, what are they and how do they make the news biased?
As one would expect the Palestinian views of the conflict are not mentioned in the articles. From reading these articles it would appear that Israel has been right on all issue involving the conflict. The writers are not interested on the opinions of the Palestinians, but I do not expect them to be because the Palestinians are blowing themselves up in order to kill Israelis.
The top news stories on the Israeli news site almost exclusively involve the conflict between the Israeli's and the Palestinians. One story was about a soldier that was checking people who were passing through a checkpoint and one man stabbed the soldier in the neck. In another story a leader from Israel went to Berlin in order to gain some support regarding the issue of Palestinians continuously shooting rockets at Israeli towns near the boarder. "It is difficult in Germany for us to imagine the daily threat against the local population," said one German official. By reading the Israeli news it is obvious that there country is in an intense struggle and that there is a great need for peace and stability.
2. How does their news compare to ours? (eg. Topics Covered?, Depth of News?
Their news primarily covers the violence that is happening near their boarder, this issue is by far the most predominant. But the news site also has a wide range of topics that one can read about including sports, business, real estate, and many other areas that American's would expect to see in the news. The Depth of their news is very similar to that of US news articles and their length is also very similar. If not for the mass of articles regarding attacks from Palestinians it would not be hard to mistake Israeli news articles for American news articles.
3. What specific things did you learn about the country by reading their news?
By reading Israeli news it became very clear to me that Israel is at war with Palestine. I have always heard that attacks are being made by both sides but I did not realize that it was happening every day all the time. Here is just one clip from the many articles involving violence "last Monday, two Palestinian suicide bombers entered the city. One detonated himself in a shopping center." This is common for the Israelis and their county is in need of further anti terrorist protection.
4. Are there any political slants to the news? If so, what are they and how do they make the news biased?
As one would expect the Palestinian views of the conflict are not mentioned in the articles. From reading these articles it would appear that Israel has been right on all issue involving the conflict. The writers are not interested on the opinions of the Palestinians, but I do not expect them to be because the Palestinians are blowing themselves up in order to kill Israelis.