Property Investment Company
There are 3 reasons why now is the best time to invest in property.
These 3 reasons are: 1.
Over the last 18 months there has been a substantial drop in property prices.
By some measures the average price of a given property has decreased by as much as forty five thousand pounds or 22% over the past year and a half.
By buying now you are buying in a bear market, which means that not only are you building passive income, but also holding a property which will see substantial capital growth over the medium to long term.
Property Investments are by far the best place to obtain a good return on your money.
If you take in to account the most common investment vehicles, including: Instant Access Accounts, Cash ISA, and Fixed Rate Bonds, you will find that the best of this bunch (The Fixed Rate Bonds), yields dividends under 3%.
Property Investments on the other hand are frequently yielding a 10% investment from the rent alone.
This is without taking into account the anticipated capital growth.
The third reason to invest in properties in 2009 is to ensure that you have a secure pension.
The Prudential recently reported that 1.
6 million pensioners were forced back to work because they cannot afford to live on their pensions.
Current research also indicates that within the next 10 years, pensioners won't be paid their pensions until age 70.
You must do something to provide for your retirement.
Ignoring all of the speculative esoteric investments you can find, there are two main choices that, historically, have produced both income and capital growth: The stock market and property investment.
Historical Property Price Trends Although historical data is no guarantee of future performance, it does offer some indication of the potential future returns of investments.
Property prices have consistently risen over the past 18 years despite the recent property "Crash".
Despite this crash, the long term capital growth of property has been phenomenal with 238% growth from 1991-2009.
Property investors buying just 10 years ago have seen a 100% appreciation of their capital.
Why Now Is The Best Of Times To Invest In Property It is clear that prices in the current climate have fallen, but in real terms, investors are now able to purchase at 2006 prices.
Imagine if you were able to buy food or fuel at 2006 prices,it would be a bargain.
The other key consideration when buying property is the rental yield.
This is important because rents have risen since 2006, so your investment will cost you less and will yield you more monthly cash.
These 3 reasons are: 1.
Over the last 18 months there has been a substantial drop in property prices.
By some measures the average price of a given property has decreased by as much as forty five thousand pounds or 22% over the past year and a half.
By buying now you are buying in a bear market, which means that not only are you building passive income, but also holding a property which will see substantial capital growth over the medium to long term.
Property Investments are by far the best place to obtain a good return on your money.
If you take in to account the most common investment vehicles, including: Instant Access Accounts, Cash ISA, and Fixed Rate Bonds, you will find that the best of this bunch (The Fixed Rate Bonds), yields dividends under 3%.
Property Investments on the other hand are frequently yielding a 10% investment from the rent alone.
This is without taking into account the anticipated capital growth.
The third reason to invest in properties in 2009 is to ensure that you have a secure pension.
The Prudential recently reported that 1.
6 million pensioners were forced back to work because they cannot afford to live on their pensions.
Current research also indicates that within the next 10 years, pensioners won't be paid their pensions until age 70.
You must do something to provide for your retirement.
Ignoring all of the speculative esoteric investments you can find, there are two main choices that, historically, have produced both income and capital growth: The stock market and property investment.
Historical Property Price Trends Although historical data is no guarantee of future performance, it does offer some indication of the potential future returns of investments.
Property prices have consistently risen over the past 18 years despite the recent property "Crash".
Despite this crash, the long term capital growth of property has been phenomenal with 238% growth from 1991-2009.
Property investors buying just 10 years ago have seen a 100% appreciation of their capital.
Why Now Is The Best Of Times To Invest In Property It is clear that prices in the current climate have fallen, but in real terms, investors are now able to purchase at 2006 prices.
Imagine if you were able to buy food or fuel at 2006 prices,it would be a bargain.
The other key consideration when buying property is the rental yield.
This is important because rents have risen since 2006, so your investment will cost you less and will yield you more monthly cash.