How to Play the Bongo Drums
- 1). Decide how you want to play the bongos. The traditional approach is to hold the bongos between the knees with the head of the larger drum against the right knee. The heads should face outwards at a comfortable angle to play. Alternately, you can attach them to a bongo stand so that the heads face straight up.
- 2). Put your body in the proper position. If you are using the traditional style, sit up straight with your feet planted firmly on the floor. If you are using a stand, you may prefer to stand. Adjust the stand so that the drums are at waist-height or just above.
- 3). Learn the open tone. Spread your fingers out slightly and hold them straight but relaxed. Hit the drum so that the pad of your hand lands on the rim. Let your fingers bounce off of the drum head. You should hear a clear tone that doesn't sound at all tinny. You can adjust the tone by changing the position of your hand slightly.
- 4). Start with your hand in the same position you just used for the open tone, but bend your fingers a little. Lightly hit the drum, but don't let your fingers bounce off the rim. Instead, rest them lightly on the skin of the drum. This "tap" sound is called a muff, or mute tone.
- 5). Learn the heel-finger pattern. This is not one tone, but two tones used in combination. Put your palm in the middle of the drum head. Strike the drum with the heel of your hand, then rock it forward and strike with the tips of your fingers. Practice until you can smoothly rock your hand back and forth, playing two distinct tones consistently.
- 6). Learn the most difficult tone. The slap is tricky because you have to "grab" the drum skin in just the right way to get a loud pop. Hit the drum in the same way as you would with a slap, but cup your hand when it hits the surface. Let your hand bounce off the skin again.