How to Prepare a Deer for Shoulder Mount
- 1). Field dressing is a bit different. Stop your cut before you get to the front legs. Finish as normal.
- 2). Make cuts around the deer behind the front legs and cut around the legs above the knees.
- 3). Skin the front end of the deer, turning the skin inside out as you go, and remove the head at the top of the neck. If you can get it to the taxidermist quickly, stop here. If not, continue with the rest of the steps.
- 4). Cut along the back of the neck to below and behind the ears. Now make a "Y" cut to each antler.
- 5). Cut around the antlers and skin the head. Cut the ears as close to the skull as possible. Be careful to leave the eyelids intact and continue down to the nose.
- 6). Stay as close to the bone as possible when you get to the nose and lips.
- 7). Freeze the hide or rub non-iodized salt on the skin and get it to the taxidermist as soon as possible.