Male Menopause: The Information For Man
The changing of the hormone will change your life. Almost of the people are talking about it in the woman. But now, not only the women who are suffered from the hormonal change, but also the men are suffered, too.
Menopause is the term of the stage in woman's life when menstruation and ovulation stop. This is the end of the reproductive stage in the woman. Andropause is the term like Menopause but it is specific to the man. The man dose not has the menstruation and ovulation. Andropause is the preparation of he man to the adult hood. It is the sign of the changing from the young man to the old man.
The menopause in the woman will start at the forty to fifty years old. But the andropause in the man will start at the 35 - 65 years old. There are a lot of factors will effect to the starting of the andropause stage. Many physicians believe that the andropause stage will bring the positive changing to the man. There are the research that show the benefit of the andropause stage. The most important benefit is the maturity. The young man is focusing on "doing" but the old man is focusing on "the being" or "the self".
They are accomplishing the job because of "Love of Job" but the most young man do their job because it is necessary to their life. The relationship between the old man and the others man is like acquaintances.
The decreasing of the sex hormone level in the man is refer to "Male menopause". But in some reports shown that the 70 years old man have the same sex hormone as testosterone hormone level as the same as the 20 years old man. The common menopause symptoms are sweating, concentration difficulties, irritability, memory problems, hot flushing, low sex drive, fatigue, hair loss, generalize pain and obesity.
These symptoms are the same to the female menopause. But these symptoms may be cause by the other illness not only the menopause symptoms.
If you get at least one of the symptom. It is better for you that you should go to see the doctor or physician for the consult and check your body functions by the lab testing. Because of the aging, the illness as hypertension, heart disease, thyroid dysfunction and more will occur in the older man than the younger man.
Some physicians are explaining the cause of male menopause with the psychological reasons instead of the hormonal changing. The physical changing such as wrinkle, fat and white-hair are the aging symptoms. The psychological triggers may be including job dissatisfaction, financial factors and martial problems.
The diagnosis of sex hormone level as the blood testosterone status is the specified method for test the menopause status. The physical examination is necessary for diagnosis. The physician will collect the data about the psychological systems, together.
"Testosterone Replacement Therapy" is the good method for patients who are suffered from the lack of testosterone hormone. It will reduce the problems such as depression, fatigue and low sex drive. And it will improve the brain function, bone density and concentration. Now, "Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARMs)" is the new term of the using hormone therapy in men. It is more selective to the hormone receptor than the old one.
Menopause is the term of the stage in woman's life when menstruation and ovulation stop. This is the end of the reproductive stage in the woman. Andropause is the term like Menopause but it is specific to the man. The man dose not has the menstruation and ovulation. Andropause is the preparation of he man to the adult hood. It is the sign of the changing from the young man to the old man.
The menopause in the woman will start at the forty to fifty years old. But the andropause in the man will start at the 35 - 65 years old. There are a lot of factors will effect to the starting of the andropause stage. Many physicians believe that the andropause stage will bring the positive changing to the man. There are the research that show the benefit of the andropause stage. The most important benefit is the maturity. The young man is focusing on "doing" but the old man is focusing on "the being" or "the self".
They are accomplishing the job because of "Love of Job" but the most young man do their job because it is necessary to their life. The relationship between the old man and the others man is like acquaintances.
The decreasing of the sex hormone level in the man is refer to "Male menopause". But in some reports shown that the 70 years old man have the same sex hormone as testosterone hormone level as the same as the 20 years old man. The common menopause symptoms are sweating, concentration difficulties, irritability, memory problems, hot flushing, low sex drive, fatigue, hair loss, generalize pain and obesity.
These symptoms are the same to the female menopause. But these symptoms may be cause by the other illness not only the menopause symptoms.
If you get at least one of the symptom. It is better for you that you should go to see the doctor or physician for the consult and check your body functions by the lab testing. Because of the aging, the illness as hypertension, heart disease, thyroid dysfunction and more will occur in the older man than the younger man.
Some physicians are explaining the cause of male menopause with the psychological reasons instead of the hormonal changing. The physical changing such as wrinkle, fat and white-hair are the aging symptoms. The psychological triggers may be including job dissatisfaction, financial factors and martial problems.
The diagnosis of sex hormone level as the blood testosterone status is the specified method for test the menopause status. The physical examination is necessary for diagnosis. The physician will collect the data about the psychological systems, together.
"Testosterone Replacement Therapy" is the good method for patients who are suffered from the lack of testosterone hormone. It will reduce the problems such as depression, fatigue and low sex drive. And it will improve the brain function, bone density and concentration. Now, "Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARMs)" is the new term of the using hormone therapy in men. It is more selective to the hormone receptor than the old one.