Handmade Plastic Canvas Christmas Ornaments to Make
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A sheet of plastic canvas before it is transformed.plastic speaker image by Bosko Martinovic from Fotolia.com
Choose your pattern. You can find patterns online at sites such as All Crafts.net or Free Patterns.com, or you can find books with patterns in your local craft store or library. You will find a variety of patterns for all size and style ornaments. Once you start making ornaments with plastic canvas, you can purchase large sheets of canvas and use all sorts of different patterns, customizing them to your taste.
When reading a plastic canvas pattern, each square on the grid represents one stitch. The pattern will have a key that explains which colors should be used. - 2
Different types of yarn and thread may be used with plastic canvas.yarn macoooo image by .shock from Fotolia.com
Find the right count plastic canvas for your project. Plastic canvas is sized based on the number of openings per inch. A 7-count plastic canvas sheet has only seven holes per inch, while a 14-count one has fourteen holes per inch. The more openings per inch, the more detailed your ornament can become. Plastic canvas may also be sold in pre-cut shapes, such as circles and stars. Patterns will specify which type to use for each design.
Canvas may be purchased at your local craft store or online at sites such as Everything Plastic Canvas or Annie's Attic. - 3). Choose the correct color and thickness of thread or yarn and needles that fit the canvas that you are using. You may use special plastic canvas needles, but yarn needles or embroidery needles may be used also. The needle must fit comfortably through the holes in the plastic.
The lower the plastic canvas count, the thicker the yarn that is needed. Yarn is intended to completely cover the spaces between holes. If you prefer to use particular thread, but it is too thin, double or triple the strands for a more complete coverage. - 4). Starting in the center of the design, thread your needle with the proper color. To begin, leave a tail of yarn that is a few inches long. Hold this flat across the back of the canvas and stitch over it with your first few stitches. This will secure the yarn and keep your design from unraveling.
Stitches are made by bringing the needle from the back of the canvas through a hole to the front and then back through to the back, on a diagonal, in a half cross pattern. Following the pattern, stitch one stitch per square in the required color until the design is complete.
When ending a color yarn, always run the needle through the back of stitches to secure the end. Do not tie a knot, since this may cause your work to be lumpy. - 5). Once you have completed the ornament, you need to finish it so that it is ready to hang on the tree or give as a gift. Consider putting a fabric or felt backing on the ornament to hide the stitches. If you do this, you can glue a ribbon hanger in between the two layers. If you do not back the ornament, simply run a thread or ribbon through the top of the ornament so that it can easily be hung.