Blogging For Business - Where to Find the Time, the Ideas, and the Inspiration
Do you have trouble blogging consistently and coming up with fresh new material to keep your readers coming back for more and more? In this article, I'll show you how to make time and where to find the inspiration for new ideas to keep flowing.
Blogging is a great way to gain exposure for your business.
However, many people have trouble doing consistent blog postings and coming up with new material to write about.
A key point to remember about blog postings is that they do not have to be long, in fact, blog posts kept to around 250 words is pretty sufficient.
When people are browsing the web they are generally hopping from one site to the next so keep your blogs sharp and concise.
Personally, I used to find it very challenging to write a few blog posts a week until I really took the time to make blogging a serious part of my business marketing.
Before anything else you must get committed to your blog, make a goal of posting one, two, or three times a week.
(More if you are a real go-getter!) Starting off with just a few posts a week is definitely manageable and the more you do it, the easier it will become.
I find that I can write about five blog posts in about an hour if I keep them to the 250 word guideline.
If you are writing anything longer than that, think about making those submissions into articles instead of blog postings.
Once you have started with a goal in mind here are some simple steps to keep your blogging fun, fresh, and easy.
Set a designated time to write and stick to that time every week.
(You write on Monday's from 2-4p.
Writing in blocks of time is also more productive as it will put you in a writing mode and allow you to easily flow from one piece to the next.
Turn off all the other distractions during this time.
Look for ideas and inspiration in everything that you do.
I find inspiration at concerts, walking in the park, and all throughout my life - NOT when I am sitting at the computer facing a blank screen.
Always carry an idea journal or an electronic form of taking notes.
If I do not have my note pad with me, I write a note in my iPhone.
Unfortunately, inspiration comes and goes at the most inconvenient time so you want to be ready.
I find that the more I write down my ideas and save them for later the more my creativity thanks me by continuing to give me new things to write about.
Look in your inbox/sent box.
You are probably talking to people about similar things all of the time, these conversations and emails make a great starting point for blog posts.
Address the questions you hear and the conversations you have in your blog.
See blogging as a way of expressing yourself.
Get inspired by sharing what is really going on in your life or business.
People want to get a chance to relate to you, so show them who you really are, what is on your mind, what gets you fired up, or maybe what is keeping you up at night.
Our brain is constantly thinking all day long, I guarantee if you start paying attention you will find more ideas to write about that you will be seeking even more time to sit down and write.
Blogging is a great way to gain exposure for your business.
However, many people have trouble doing consistent blog postings and coming up with new material to write about.
A key point to remember about blog postings is that they do not have to be long, in fact, blog posts kept to around 250 words is pretty sufficient.
When people are browsing the web they are generally hopping from one site to the next so keep your blogs sharp and concise.
Personally, I used to find it very challenging to write a few blog posts a week until I really took the time to make blogging a serious part of my business marketing.
Before anything else you must get committed to your blog, make a goal of posting one, two, or three times a week.
(More if you are a real go-getter!) Starting off with just a few posts a week is definitely manageable and the more you do it, the easier it will become.
I find that I can write about five blog posts in about an hour if I keep them to the 250 word guideline.
If you are writing anything longer than that, think about making those submissions into articles instead of blog postings.
Once you have started with a goal in mind here are some simple steps to keep your blogging fun, fresh, and easy.
Set a designated time to write and stick to that time every week.
(You write on Monday's from 2-4p.
Writing in blocks of time is also more productive as it will put you in a writing mode and allow you to easily flow from one piece to the next.
Turn off all the other distractions during this time.
Look for ideas and inspiration in everything that you do.
I find inspiration at concerts, walking in the park, and all throughout my life - NOT when I am sitting at the computer facing a blank screen.
Always carry an idea journal or an electronic form of taking notes.
If I do not have my note pad with me, I write a note in my iPhone.
Unfortunately, inspiration comes and goes at the most inconvenient time so you want to be ready.
I find that the more I write down my ideas and save them for later the more my creativity thanks me by continuing to give me new things to write about.
Look in your inbox/sent box.
You are probably talking to people about similar things all of the time, these conversations and emails make a great starting point for blog posts.
Address the questions you hear and the conversations you have in your blog.
See blogging as a way of expressing yourself.
Get inspired by sharing what is really going on in your life or business.
People want to get a chance to relate to you, so show them who you really are, what is on your mind, what gets you fired up, or maybe what is keeping you up at night.
Our brain is constantly thinking all day long, I guarantee if you start paying attention you will find more ideas to write about that you will be seeking even more time to sit down and write.