Colorado Elk Hunting Laws
- Elk hunters must attend a Hunter's Education Course before obtaining a hunting license.elk image by Melissa Schalke from
Elk hunting is a popular activity in Colorado. Elk hunters must observe all rules and regulations set forth by the Colorado Division Of Wildlife. This may include purchasing a license, attending a hunter education class and hunting only in legal, designated areas. Elk hunters are subject at any time to inspection by Colorado game wardens, so it is important to be familiar with Colorado elk hunting laws. - In the state of Colorado, all hunters must attend and pass the Colorado Division Of Wildlife Hunter Education Course, which is given by certified volunteers. This course must be passed before an elk hunter can obtain a hunting license in Colorado. This course is offered in a variety of ways. The hunter may take the course online, though home-based study or in a CRASH course. There is a small fee collected to help with the expenses of the course, but the Colorado Division Of Wildlife furnishes equipment, ammunition and study materials. Elk hunter's that have attended a similar course in another state, do not have to attend another course in Colorado if the wildlife division can verify its authenticity. Once the hunter education course has been completed, elk hunters may apply to purchase their hunting license.
- In Colorado, big game is considered to be deer, elk or moose. A big game hunting license must be purchased from the Colorado Division Of Wildlife. The fees associated with a big game hunting license differ depending on several factors, such as whether the hunter is a resident of Colorado or a non-resident and if the hunter wishes to take an elk with or without antlers. Colorado law states that big game may be taken from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.
- Colorado elk must be taken in a legal manner, using weapons that are allowed by the Colorado Division Of Wildlife. Elk hunters may use a rifle to take an elk in Colorado. Rifles must use center fire cartridges of .24 caliber or greater and have expanding bullets of at least 85 grains in weight for elk and moose. Elk hunters are prohibited from using a fully automatic rifle. Muzzle-loading rifles may be used during the appropriate season, with a minimum caliber of .50 for elk and moose and must use bullets that are at least 170 grains in weight. Compound bows and hand-held bows may be used to take elk during archery season for elk. All bows must be equipped with a broadhead with no less than two steel cutting edges.
Hunter Education Course
Hunting License
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