Basic Mistakes I Made Starting Out As an Internet Marketer
These are some of the mistakes I made when I first started to become an Internet marketer
Don't hide behind a website.
By this I mean not allowing your customers or prospects to get to know you.
Put your picture, Email address,and phone number in full view so you can be contacted
Don't sound like a robot.Dont have your language stiff and formal.Try to come across as a warm blooded person,someone who is human.Someone who can be identified with.Try to keep your writing conversational,basically simple,to the point and easy to understand
Using the same Company replicated website
Using the same Company replicated website as everybody else means that you are using the same website as thousands of other marketers.You are all using the same content except for maybe your name and picture.
These sites are often referred to as €cookie cutter sites€
It just becomes like a lotto if anybody clicks onto your site.They may like what you are offering but you take pot luck when they click on to the optin page.It could just as well be anybodys.
If everybody is using the same content then that is a lot of duplicated content,hardly original.
Another good reason to not use a replicated website is because you don't own it.
You are collecting names and email addresses that aren't going to you.
You are building a list for somebody else.
Not treating your online business like a real business
You have to start thinking like a real business person straight away,right at the start.
Most people think that they will switch on once it starts paying them money.
Not a good idea.
Any offline start up business is treated as a serious business because it usually requires start up capital.An online business needs capital too although you can get started with only a small amount of capital but you will still need to work out a budget no matter how small.
So you need to think seriously about taking the business seriously
If you treat your business like a real business it will pay you like one
Treat your business like a hobby and it will pay you like one
Treat your business as a job
Keep business hours.Create some structure and schedule your time.
Set aside a certain amount of time to do what you need to do.
When I say schedule it,put it on your calendar or write it out day by day and make a list as well.
Track your results.You need to know what is working and what is not
Put together an action plan
Spend time on money making efforts
Lack of focus.
Learn to think like a strategic online entrepreneur and learn to focus.
Losing your focus will destroy any business. Loosing focus means you don't get things done in a timely manner
Stick to a designated action plan
Check your email only once a day.
Set goals.
Keep track of your progress.
Have a clear vision.
Do these steps and your productivity will increase.
Comparing yourself to top marketers
Most people look at other successful marketers and wonder why they are not as successful as them.
This lowers there self esteem
What they don't know is
How long the top marketer has been in the business
How many times they have failed
How much work they have put in to get to the top
Therse 5 steps will help you get on the right track
Don't hide behind a website.
By this I mean not allowing your customers or prospects to get to know you.
Put your picture, Email address,and phone number in full view so you can be contacted
Don't sound like a robot.Dont have your language stiff and formal.Try to come across as a warm blooded person,someone who is human.Someone who can be identified with.Try to keep your writing conversational,basically simple,to the point and easy to understand
Using the same Company replicated website
Using the same Company replicated website as everybody else means that you are using the same website as thousands of other marketers.You are all using the same content except for maybe your name and picture.
These sites are often referred to as €cookie cutter sites€
It just becomes like a lotto if anybody clicks onto your site.They may like what you are offering but you take pot luck when they click on to the optin page.It could just as well be anybodys.
If everybody is using the same content then that is a lot of duplicated content,hardly original.
Another good reason to not use a replicated website is because you don't own it.
You are collecting names and email addresses that aren't going to you.
You are building a list for somebody else.
Not treating your online business like a real business
You have to start thinking like a real business person straight away,right at the start.
Most people think that they will switch on once it starts paying them money.
Not a good idea.
Any offline start up business is treated as a serious business because it usually requires start up capital.An online business needs capital too although you can get started with only a small amount of capital but you will still need to work out a budget no matter how small.
So you need to think seriously about taking the business seriously
If you treat your business like a real business it will pay you like one
Treat your business like a hobby and it will pay you like one
Treat your business as a job
Keep business hours.Create some structure and schedule your time.
Set aside a certain amount of time to do what you need to do.
When I say schedule it,put it on your calendar or write it out day by day and make a list as well.
Track your results.You need to know what is working and what is not
Put together an action plan
Spend time on money making efforts
Lack of focus.
Learn to think like a strategic online entrepreneur and learn to focus.
Losing your focus will destroy any business. Loosing focus means you don't get things done in a timely manner
Stick to a designated action plan
Check your email only once a day.
Set goals.
Keep track of your progress.
Have a clear vision.
Do these steps and your productivity will increase.
Comparing yourself to top marketers
Most people look at other successful marketers and wonder why they are not as successful as them.
This lowers there self esteem
What they don't know is
How long the top marketer has been in the business
How many times they have failed
How much work they have put in to get to the top
Therse 5 steps will help you get on the right track