Lose Weight Easily - Why Toning Up and Losing Weight Can Be Easy!
Why do you really want to lose weight? This is one question that must be answered honestly if your weight loss is to be successful.
I understand the cycle of dieting and what you are going through.
After the birth of my third child I just could not lose the extra weight my body had decided to store.
Don't get me wrong, I was healthy and my life was quite good and to all of my friends and family I seemed happy.
However, I wasn't happy with my body.
This was the only area in my life I truly wanted to change.
I tried many diets and exercise programs but after some initial success the extra weight found me again.
This was making me feel irritated and stressed.
My self esteem was dropping and so was my enthusiasm.
I was finding it near impossible to keep up the happy face and I knew something had to give.
After months of feeling low I sat down and did a bit of soul searching.
Quite a lot actually.
I decided to go back to goal setting that had worked so well for me in my career.
I set deadlines and goals and made an action plan that I knew I could stick to.
It was this plan that set my success in motion.
My three top goals were:
Without a clear road of where you are heading you will continuously wander around in circles without reaching your full potential.
I understand the cycle of dieting and what you are going through.
After the birth of my third child I just could not lose the extra weight my body had decided to store.
Don't get me wrong, I was healthy and my life was quite good and to all of my friends and family I seemed happy.
However, I wasn't happy with my body.
This was the only area in my life I truly wanted to change.
I tried many diets and exercise programs but after some initial success the extra weight found me again.
This was making me feel irritated and stressed.
My self esteem was dropping and so was my enthusiasm.
I was finding it near impossible to keep up the happy face and I knew something had to give.
After months of feeling low I sat down and did a bit of soul searching.
Quite a lot actually.
I decided to go back to goal setting that had worked so well for me in my career.
I set deadlines and goals and made an action plan that I knew I could stick to.
It was this plan that set my success in motion.
My three top goals were:
- A desired weight that I knew was achievable
- A deadline to achieve the desired weight
- I chose to put only healthy food and drink into my body.
I eliminated the high fat foods and drank enough water to keep my system healthy.
Without a clear road of where you are heading you will continuously wander around in circles without reaching your full potential.