Be Thankful for Your Coworkers
Well believe it or not Thanksgiving is here! Not sure how many of you even celebrate this holiday anymore with everyone busy Christmas shopping and already listening to Christmas music.
For those of you who still celebrate thank you! It seems like everyone gets into the holiday spirit as soon as Halloween ends.
To be honest, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it is a chance to see family and actually catch up instead of anticipating what Aunt Bethany got you for Christmas.
It also is a time to reflect on what you have been thankful for the past year.
When it comes to work there is a lot to be thankful for...
Coworkers What would you do without your coworkers? For the times your boss needs something done ASAP and you just need all the help you can get to meet that deadline.
You spend at least 40 hours a week at your job, being able to enjoy who you work with makes it that much more enjoyable.
Coworkers are your friends at the office who understand your daily office life.
It can be hard to go home to friends and family to explain what's happening every day, having coworkers who are there when needed is a huge value.
Opportunities How about that time you really wanted to learn more about a certain subject and your boss was more than happy to make sure that happened? With social media on the rise, it is important to expand your knowledge on how to successfully engage with potential clients.
You never stop learning and every seminar, training session, webinar you attend will only help you expand your skills, making you successful in the long run.
Company Culture This is a big one to be thankful for! Being able to work with everyone and enjoy going to work every day.
There are so many people who are miserable in their job.
Having a great company culture makes a huge difference on how your employees interact at the office.
Every company is different when it comes to their culture.
Some companies have monthly luncheons and all sit together enjoying each other's company not talking about work.
Some companies have foosball and pool tables, allowing employees to blow off some steam.
Whatever the extra things your company offers to make the day more pleasant be thankful because they put extra money in the company budget to make you happy.
So when you sit down at the table with your family not only be thankful for them, be thankful for your job and everything it has to offer.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
For those of you who still celebrate thank you! It seems like everyone gets into the holiday spirit as soon as Halloween ends.
To be honest, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it is a chance to see family and actually catch up instead of anticipating what Aunt Bethany got you for Christmas.
It also is a time to reflect on what you have been thankful for the past year.
When it comes to work there is a lot to be thankful for...
Coworkers What would you do without your coworkers? For the times your boss needs something done ASAP and you just need all the help you can get to meet that deadline.
You spend at least 40 hours a week at your job, being able to enjoy who you work with makes it that much more enjoyable.
Coworkers are your friends at the office who understand your daily office life.
It can be hard to go home to friends and family to explain what's happening every day, having coworkers who are there when needed is a huge value.
Opportunities How about that time you really wanted to learn more about a certain subject and your boss was more than happy to make sure that happened? With social media on the rise, it is important to expand your knowledge on how to successfully engage with potential clients.
You never stop learning and every seminar, training session, webinar you attend will only help you expand your skills, making you successful in the long run.
Company Culture This is a big one to be thankful for! Being able to work with everyone and enjoy going to work every day.
There are so many people who are miserable in their job.
Having a great company culture makes a huge difference on how your employees interact at the office.
Every company is different when it comes to their culture.
Some companies have monthly luncheons and all sit together enjoying each other's company not talking about work.
Some companies have foosball and pool tables, allowing employees to blow off some steam.
Whatever the extra things your company offers to make the day more pleasant be thankful because they put extra money in the company budget to make you happy.
So when you sit down at the table with your family not only be thankful for them, be thankful for your job and everything it has to offer.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!