Probiotics For Constipation Children
According to the American Academy of Paediatrics, Constipation may develop when children withhold bowel movements out of stubbornness or don't go to washrooms when they should go. Stools may become hard and bowel movements painful. You also might observe some blood in your child's stools and some soiling between bowel movements. Constipation tends to run in families, but helping your child develop better bathroom habits can help him avoid long-term constipation problems. Use of probiotics for constipation children, has found beneficial for their problems.
Baby Constipation Relief
Due to changes in breastfeed, health constipation is quiet common in children.
Some tips for fast constipation relief are:
• Prune juice: Dilute your baby food with prune juice. If your child is under 6 months check with your doctor.
• Baby Massage: Rub your baby's belly with finger tips in circular motion. This will loosen the intestinal muscles.
• Baby Exercise: Move your baby's legs in circular motion like bi- cycle. It helps to stimulate intestines.
About Probiotics
Your digestive system contains a variety of living micro-organisms, including both harmful and beneficial bacteria. Probiotics are micro-organisms, usually bacteria, similar to the beneficial bacteria that aid digestion and help protect against disease. The National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine advises that more research is needed on probiotics potential benefits. Meanwhile, the centre regards probiotics for constipation children as a possibly useful for treatment. It cures many digestive ailments including constipation, diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome and inflammation.
Yogurt Study
After some promising research in adults, a Dutch study looked at whether probiotic yogurt could help children with persistent constipation. On average, children who ate the probiotic yogurt daily did increase their bowel movements from two to four per week. However, so did those in a comparison group who ate yogurt without probiotics. Lead researcher Dr. Merit M. Tabbers, a paediatric gastroenterologist at Emma Children's Hospital in Amsterdam, said there was not enough evidence to recommend probiotic yogurt for kids with constipation. The study was published in the journal "Paediatrics" on May 23, 2011. So out of different probiotics for constipation children, yogurt has its own benefits.
Dr. Tabbers told Reuters Health that some parents still might want to try yogurt with probiotics and that it might help some children. He said it wasn't clear why there was improvement in both groups in the study. One possible factor was the counselling the children received. For example, all were advised to try to use the bathroom after every meal. The American Academy of Paediatrics suggests that you also encourage your child to drink plenty of water, eat high-fibre foods and get regular exercise. Laxatives are another option, but only after you've discussed the situation with your paediatrician.
So this suggests that probiotics for constipation children are useful, but most important is to cultivate healthy bathroom habits.
Baby Constipation Relief
Due to changes in breastfeed, health constipation is quiet common in children.
Some tips for fast constipation relief are:
• Prune juice: Dilute your baby food with prune juice. If your child is under 6 months check with your doctor.
• Baby Massage: Rub your baby's belly with finger tips in circular motion. This will loosen the intestinal muscles.
• Baby Exercise: Move your baby's legs in circular motion like bi- cycle. It helps to stimulate intestines.
About Probiotics
Your digestive system contains a variety of living micro-organisms, including both harmful and beneficial bacteria. Probiotics are micro-organisms, usually bacteria, similar to the beneficial bacteria that aid digestion and help protect against disease. The National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine advises that more research is needed on probiotics potential benefits. Meanwhile, the centre regards probiotics for constipation children as a possibly useful for treatment. It cures many digestive ailments including constipation, diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome and inflammation.
Yogurt Study
After some promising research in adults, a Dutch study looked at whether probiotic yogurt could help children with persistent constipation. On average, children who ate the probiotic yogurt daily did increase their bowel movements from two to four per week. However, so did those in a comparison group who ate yogurt without probiotics. Lead researcher Dr. Merit M. Tabbers, a paediatric gastroenterologist at Emma Children's Hospital in Amsterdam, said there was not enough evidence to recommend probiotic yogurt for kids with constipation. The study was published in the journal "Paediatrics" on May 23, 2011. So out of different probiotics for constipation children, yogurt has its own benefits.
Dr. Tabbers told Reuters Health that some parents still might want to try yogurt with probiotics and that it might help some children. He said it wasn't clear why there was improvement in both groups in the study. One possible factor was the counselling the children received. For example, all were advised to try to use the bathroom after every meal. The American Academy of Paediatrics suggests that you also encourage your child to drink plenty of water, eat high-fibre foods and get regular exercise. Laxatives are another option, but only after you've discussed the situation with your paediatrician.
So this suggests that probiotics for constipation children are useful, but most important is to cultivate healthy bathroom habits.