Green Living - How to Make Your Own Greenhouse
Using a greenhouse, a gardener can grow a much wider range of plants, fruits, and vegetables throughout the year.
The family can enjoy fresh food and fresh cut flowers without the need to purchase these items from the store.
Knowing how to make your own greenhouse will also contribute to green living because it reduces the amount of chemically processed foods ingested into the body.
It is not costly to build a greenhouse on the property, with the price of this version running under $25.
The supplies needed are four sections of ½ inch PVC pipe, four ½ inch corner elbow connectors with three ports, four ½ inch adapters, PVC cement, primer, scissors, and long zip ties.
First, assemble the PVC pipe in a dry, ventilated area.
Cut two 10 foot pipe sections in half, yielding four five-foot sections.
Use the primer to coat inside the pipe ends and elbow pieces, but do not coat inside the threaded portion of the elbows.
Once the primer has dried, secure the elbows on all ends of two five-foot sections of pipe using PVC cement.
Attach a 10-foot pipe to an unthreaded elbow end with the cement, pressing together.
When the cement has dried, bend this 10-foot section and attach it to the unthreaded side of the five-foot pipe, using the cement.
Follow these instructions to make the frame for the other side.
Lay the frame down on plastic sheeting, then cut the sheet about six inches wider all around, cutting edges on an "L" shape.
On the curve side, cut pleats halfway from the edge of the sheeting to the pipe.
Starting with the straight edge, use the zip ties to secure the plastic sheeting on the frame.
Tuck the plastic around pipes and make small holes in an area of the plastic near the frame.
Screw the threaded adaptors to the threaded elbows and attach one of the other 5-foot pipes to the each adapter.
Brace the base using cement blocks or sturdy tape.
Cover the frame with sheeting and cut it to fit, then use zip ties to attach the sheeting to the frame halfway down.
Knowing how to make your own greenhouse will save money and require only a small amount of time.
Air will flow through the bottom half of the structure and the sun will heat the plants and flowers, creating an optimum growing environment.
There will soon be fresh flowers on the table and healthy fruits and vegetables for eating.
The family can enjoy fresh food and fresh cut flowers without the need to purchase these items from the store.
Knowing how to make your own greenhouse will also contribute to green living because it reduces the amount of chemically processed foods ingested into the body.
It is not costly to build a greenhouse on the property, with the price of this version running under $25.
The supplies needed are four sections of ½ inch PVC pipe, four ½ inch corner elbow connectors with three ports, four ½ inch adapters, PVC cement, primer, scissors, and long zip ties.
First, assemble the PVC pipe in a dry, ventilated area.
Cut two 10 foot pipe sections in half, yielding four five-foot sections.
Use the primer to coat inside the pipe ends and elbow pieces, but do not coat inside the threaded portion of the elbows.
Once the primer has dried, secure the elbows on all ends of two five-foot sections of pipe using PVC cement.
Attach a 10-foot pipe to an unthreaded elbow end with the cement, pressing together.
When the cement has dried, bend this 10-foot section and attach it to the unthreaded side of the five-foot pipe, using the cement.
Follow these instructions to make the frame for the other side.
Lay the frame down on plastic sheeting, then cut the sheet about six inches wider all around, cutting edges on an "L" shape.
On the curve side, cut pleats halfway from the edge of the sheeting to the pipe.
Starting with the straight edge, use the zip ties to secure the plastic sheeting on the frame.
Tuck the plastic around pipes and make small holes in an area of the plastic near the frame.
Screw the threaded adaptors to the threaded elbows and attach one of the other 5-foot pipes to the each adapter.
Brace the base using cement blocks or sturdy tape.
Cover the frame with sheeting and cut it to fit, then use zip ties to attach the sheeting to the frame halfway down.
Knowing how to make your own greenhouse will save money and require only a small amount of time.
Air will flow through the bottom half of the structure and the sun will heat the plants and flowers, creating an optimum growing environment.
There will soon be fresh flowers on the table and healthy fruits and vegetables for eating.