Realism in Photography
- Although new technologies have made it possible to alter captured images and even though it is known that people tend to look either better or worse in photographs, it's still commonly thought that the camera never lies. No matter how bad or unclear a photograph might be, it's still a true reflection of the object it reproduces.
- In realistic photography there are two different types of photographers - the commercial photographers and the photography artists. Commercial photographers create honest images of people and objects and have since the 1950s been an important part of the advertising world, replacing illustrations by providing companies with more vibrant and colorful pictures faster and cheaper. Photography artists, on the other hand, use their photographic skills to create works of art. They tend to less represent the world as it is but try to add another dimension to it - still realistic but more subjective. Photography artists immortalize the world as they perceive it.
- During the early 1960s a new style of photography, known as fantastic photography, appeared. This emergence changed realism in the sense that it interpreted reality, making it more than just a representation. By using compositional and lighting techniques and a reportage type of photography, photographers allowed themselves to make a statement and even convey their version of a perfect reality. Reality in photography was becoming more than simply a copy of what that the eye could see.
- In photography, the reality captured can only be the photographer's interpretation. It is the emotions that the photographer possesses and the feelings that go into these interpretations that produce a good photograph, an image that conveys the photographer's truth and so, his reality. In this sense, photography is a subjective reality, a representation of the artist's world. Especially considering how much photographers can manipulate their images by changing the colors, depth, backgrounds and framing, it becomes obvious that every photograph is just one of the many possible different interpretations of reality available to us.
Model Reflection
Commercial and Artistic Photography
Fantastic Photography
Reality Interpretation