How to Treat Yeast Infections Without Going to the Doctor
- 1). Use an over-the-counter yeast medication. If you have had a yeast infection before and can recognize the signs and symptoms, you may be able to cure your infection by using an over-the-counter cream or suppository such as Monistat. Over-the-counter yeast treatments come in one-, three- and seven-day strengths. Insert the cream or suppository at bedtime. These products are available at drugstores and supermarkets.
- 2). Use yogurt. Yogurt contains healthy bacteria called lactobacillus acidophilus, which is a natural fungus fighter. Yogurt can be used in two ways to help with a yeast infection. Eating a lot of yogurt during an infection can reduce symptoms. It can also be eaten on a daily basis as a preventive measure. Plain yogurt can also be applied to the vagina. Make sure any inserted yogurt is plain.
- 3). Embrace garlic. Garlic contains natural yeast-fighting enzymes. The best way to use garlic is to peel the clove and insert it directly into your vagina at bedtime. Dispose of the garlic in the morning. Do this for two to three nights. If the thought of putting garlic in your vagina makes you uneasy, garlic pills can help fight yeast but are not as fast-acting. You can also add more garlic to your meals as a preventative measure.