Foods & Drinks That Should Not Be Consumed with High Cholesterol
- Animal-based products are high in cholesterol.
All of the cholesterol found in food strictly comes from animal-based products. This is why vegans and vegetarians typically have lower cholesterol than those with omnivorous diets. The saturated fats found in animal-based products, such as meats, poultry, fish, veal, eggs, cheese and other dairy products, contribute to raising cholesterol and are particularly dangerous to those who are already at high risk for coronary heart disease and other health problems. Completely avoiding, or at least reducing, the consumption of these animal-based products can reduce cholesterol levels. - Refined white sugars are in high-cholesterol foods.
Many of the food products that contain refined sugars are high in cholesterol. This is not necessarily because of the sugar itself, but the products they're usually in often contain butter and oils that are high in saturated fats and cholesterol. Reducing the intake of sugar products, such as candies, cookies, cakes, snacks, fruits and other sweetened foods, can help to combat high cholesterol. All natural sweeteners, such as derivatives of the Stevia plant or agave nectar, are sweet alternatives that are plant-based and low on the glycemic index. - Avoid excessive oil intake.
Foods that contain fats, lard and oils can often also contain excessive amounts of calories that contribute to high cholesterol. Limiting intake of these items is highly recommended for those who suffer from high cholesterol. In place of cooking with oils, as with pan or deep frying, substitute more heart-healthy options, such as sauteing or boiling in water or canola oil, or cooking on a grill. These options are lower in fat and calories. Also, consider baking foods instead of frying. Lessening your intake of butter, lard and shortening can greatly reduce cholesterol levels. - Alcohol in excess can be detrimental.
Although alcoholic beverages, such as red wines, can be good for your health due to the fact that they contain antioxidants, drinking alcoholic beverages in excess can be harmful to those who suffer from high cholesterol. This is largely because of the high levels of sugar and calories in alcoholic products, such as beer, wine and other liquors. Consult a health care professional to determine what level of alcohol consumption is appropriate based on cholesterol level and other health factors.
Animal-Based Saturated Fats
Sweets and Refined Sugars
Fats, Lard and Oils
Alcoholic Beverages