Whitetail Hunting in Canada
- Whitetail hunting in Canada is mostly similar to hunting on comparable terrain anywhere else. You should expect cold temperatures, the possibility of all types of inclement weather and restrictions similar to those in the United States.
- Canadian laws are applicable to all residents and nonresidents of a Canadian province. Foreign hunters are bound by the Canadian Declaration of Firearms and Hunting Rights.
- Traveling from the United States to Canada will require a stop at customs, where you will be required to declare your intent for travel, and in this case you will have declare your weapons. Hunters who want to take a hunting rifle into Canada must be at least 18 years old, and the gun must be stored properly.
- Before you leave the United States, check in with customs to enter a record of your weapons going into Canada. Once over the border, you will be required to fill out a Non-resident Firearms Declaration Form, according to the U.S. Embassy in Canada.
- Canada is a vast country with many locations to hunt whitetail deer. If you choose to enlist the help of a licensed outfitter, you may have a better shot at harvesting the trophy-size whitetail you desire. Ask for recommendations, call references, research the size of deer in the area, and inquire about all costs before selecting an outfitter.
Same, but different
Border crossing
Firearm forms