How to Groom a Poochon
- 1). Place a non-slip mat on a table or similar work surface and stand your Poochon on the mat.
- 2). Spray your Poochon’s coat very lightly with a conditioner designed for dogs, to prevent static when you begin to brush the coat.
- 3). Use a pin brush to comb gently through the dog’s entire coat. Both Poodles and Bichon Frise have curly, non-shedding coats, which continue to grow. It is important to ensure that you have brushed down to the skin, to remove tangles and knots in the coat. Pin brushes work better than slicker brushes on these coats.
- 4). Work systematically. Begin by combing the legs, then move to the body, brushing from the head back toward the animal’s tail.
- 5). Use electric clippers if you want to trim your Poochon to resemble a poodle. Always work very carefully with a clipper and begin with the dog’s face. If you start on the body or legs, your dog will be tired of standing by the time you reach the face and may be less cooperative. Use the “full tooth” clipper blades if you are a novice, as the gaps between the “skip-tooth” blades are more likely to catch your dog’s skin.
- 6). Bathe your Poochon if its coat becomes too soiled. Use warm water and a shampoo that is designed for dogs. Always rinse all the shampoo out of the dog’s coat and dry the Poochon with a towel or blow dryer after the bath.
- 7). Use a warm, wet cloth to wipe away tear stains, which are normally reddish-brown and most noticeable in dogs with light-colored coats.