How to Take Care of Roosters
- 1). Ensure that having a rooster is a sensible idea. While they are easy to tend, they require time and space. Consult neighbors to confirm that this will not be a problem because roosters can be loud.
- 2). Place a coop in an area where some of the structure is under shade. Install perches and nesting boxes inside the coop. Offer access to dirt for dirt baths, particularly if you have other chickens.
- 3). Place food and water containers inside the coop. Purchase feeders and waterers designed for chickens or use large plastic containers. Check these regularly to ensure there is plenty of food and water.
- 4). Introduce the rooster to the flock of hens, if you want fertilized eggs. Keep one rooster and three or four hens. Kind Planet recommends you keep one rooster to 15 chickens if you have a larger flock.
- 5). Spend time around your rooster and hold him as much as possible. Roosters can become quite aggressive when they are scared, but regular handling from a young age will help you to tame your rooster and gain his trust.
- 6). Take your rooster to a veterinarian at least once a year. The vet can determine the general health of your rooster and trim his spurs, if necessary.
- 7). Insulate the coop at the end of summer in anticipation of winter. Prevent frostbite in your flock by hanging a heat lamp to offer a source of warmth. Remove the insulation and heat lamp during the summer.