Tips and Tricks - Piano Tutorials
Practice makes your perfectly better at something.
Allot a time to practice your lessons at least 30 minutes to 1 hour so you can advance to the next level of your piano lessons.
Here are piano tutorials that you can use to guide you in playing the piano:
Allot a time to practice your lessons at least 30 minutes to 1 hour so you can advance to the next level of your piano lessons.
Here are piano tutorials that you can use to guide you in playing the piano:
- Learn what note each of the fingers in your right and left hand represent.
- Learn to play the piece first before adding the foot pedal as accompaniment.
- Do not spend so much time on the chord combination and warm up exercises likewise with the main music.
Keep a balanced practice plan for both activities. - Learning the basics and terminology will help your piano tutorials at the right beat, the right tempo with the right amount of softness and speed.
- As you go along, practice proper timing and rhythm.
- Practice to use any or all of the fingers simultaneously, they must be above the keys at all times waiting for their turn.
- Ideally, the hand position above the keyboard should be in level with your shoulders which is the reference point for the hands.
- The forearms are positioned in a way parallel to the floor, the wrists are flat, and the fingers are curved.
They are moved in a relaxed manner to freely move the arms sideways supported by the shoulders. - During a recital, your hands shake wildly as sign of nervousness; calm them down by sitting on your hands minutes before you begin to play.
- Always listen to the tunes and pitches so you'll know you're on the right track.
- Play slowly but surely, it is better to play slowly so you can hit all the notes rather than play fast and play out of tune.
- Practice playing the chord piano to revolutionize your piano tutorials and make your music sound pleasant and brilliant.