How to Make Futuristic Buildings in Illustrator
- 1). Click the "File" menu's "New" command, then click "OK" to accept the default parameters for a new canvas for your futuristic building.
- 2). Click the tool palette icon shaped like a rectangle to run the tool for drawing rectangles, then drag on the canvas to create a rectangle of any size. This shape will form the base of your building.
- 3). Click the "Effects" menu, then click the "3-D" sub-menu to display a list of commands for turning Illustrator's 2-D shapes into 3-D objects.
- 4). Click the "Bevel" command, then click the "Preview" checkbox in the dialog box that appears. Illustrator will display a preview of a box-like form that you can shape with the dialog box's controls.
- 5). Drag the cube icon in the dialog's upper left corner to orient the box in a way you like. Drag the "Perspective" control from its default position at far left toward the right. As you drag, the box's edges will appear to converge which simulates linear perspective.
- 6). Drag the "Extrude depth" control to the right to increase the box's height. This makes the box appear like a building. Click "OK" to finalize the building's principal shape.
- 7). Click the "Object" menu, then "Envelope distort" to display a list of commands for warping existing 3-D objects.
- 8). Click the "Make with mesh" command and click "OK" on the dialog box that appears to overlay the building with a mesh whose control points you can drag to change the building's shape.
- 9). Click the white arrow icon from the tool palette to run the "Direct selection" tool which lets you change vector nodes including those of mesh objects.
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Click a node on the mesh you just created, then drag the mouse to move the node. The building will change shape in the area you dragged. Repeat this instruction until the building takes on the futuristic shape you want.