If You Believe That Business Lawyers Are Paid to Think Then Hire One Smarter Than You
Most attorneys and lawyers believe that their job is to produce the very best legal documents, and give the very best advice to protect their clients from lawsuits, or to help them win or settle disputes.
While this is a very important part of a lawyer's job, and it's good to see that legal eagles take it seriously, the reality is that you pay lawyers to think and strategize and keep you out of trouble, protect you from lawsuits, and help you do what you need to get done to execute your plans.
Now then, if you believe that lawyers are paid to think, then makes sure that you hire a lawyer who has some business background and one which is of extremely high intelligence, and even smarter than you are.
This might be difficult if you are a very wise person, and an accomplished entrepreneur.
Any lawyer can dress up in a nice suit and tie and sit behind a bunch of law books, and control his dialogue, and pretend to be smart.
But that often is not the case, there are a lot of pretenders and that's part of the marketing that they do to put their best foot forward to get the best clients.
Another interesting problem with small-business people or mid-range entrepreneurs is they like to hire business lawyers and attorneys who are nice to them.
That's all well and good, except you want a ruthless lawyer to represent you in the battle space of business.
Having a nice lawyer, who is cordial to everyone and works towards amicable settlements, for both sides is not exactly what you need.
I hope you will please consider this.
There will be no lawyer jokes in this particular article.
While this is a very important part of a lawyer's job, and it's good to see that legal eagles take it seriously, the reality is that you pay lawyers to think and strategize and keep you out of trouble, protect you from lawsuits, and help you do what you need to get done to execute your plans.
Now then, if you believe that lawyers are paid to think, then makes sure that you hire a lawyer who has some business background and one which is of extremely high intelligence, and even smarter than you are.
This might be difficult if you are a very wise person, and an accomplished entrepreneur.
Any lawyer can dress up in a nice suit and tie and sit behind a bunch of law books, and control his dialogue, and pretend to be smart.
But that often is not the case, there are a lot of pretenders and that's part of the marketing that they do to put their best foot forward to get the best clients.
Another interesting problem with small-business people or mid-range entrepreneurs is they like to hire business lawyers and attorneys who are nice to them.
That's all well and good, except you want a ruthless lawyer to represent you in the battle space of business.
Having a nice lawyer, who is cordial to everyone and works towards amicable settlements, for both sides is not exactly what you need.
I hope you will please consider this.
There will be no lawyer jokes in this particular article.