Hemorrhoid Treatment - 5 Home Self Care Hemorrhoid Treatments That Bring Quick Relief
Do you have hemorrhoids? What are the chances you will get hemorrhoids? I know, it's a sometimes embarrassing topic of discussion but, truth be told, hemorrhoids are one of the most common ailments.
In fact, about 50% or half of the population has hemorrhoids by age of 50! So the likely hood of your getting hemorrhoids is very high.
So it really is in your best interest to read the following hemorrhoid treatment quick relief tips so you will know what to do if or when you get hemorrhoids.
I'll also tell you how you can be in the other 50% and be "hemorrhoid free.
" Hemorrhoids can be either internal or external.
The hemorrhoid treatment is different depending on the severity of the problem.
Sometimes surgery is required but most of the time a conservative treatment approach can be followed which can be easily performed at home.
So What are the 5 Home Self-Care Hemorrhoid Treatments that bring quick relief? First Home Treatment:A Warm / Hot Sitz bath.
A warm / hot sitz bath is recommended 3 times a day and after each bowel movement for at least 15 minutes.
In a sitz bath, you sit in a few inches of warm water in a tub.
This is considered one of the best ways to lessen the pain and swelling of hemorrhoids.
Second Home Treatment:Stool softeners or laxatives.
These work by softening the stool and making it much less painful during each bowel movement.
This is especially helpful if you have constipation.
But please be careful.
You don't want to take so much laxative or stool softener that you get watery or running diarrhea.
This can make the anus area very sore and irritated.
Third Home Treatment: Over-the-Counter Hemorrhoid creams, ointments and suppositories.
These creams, ointments and suppositories relieve both internal and external hemorrhoid symptoms.
They can often provide quick soothing temporary relief from painful burning, itching and discomfort.
However, some people have found them of little help.
Forth Home Treatment:The Air Dough-nut & Sitting Restrictions.
Many hemorrhoid sufferers have found great relief when sitting to sit on an air dough-nut.
It provides great comfort by removing the pressure on the bowel area.
Some doctors also recommend to their patients that they not sit for long periods of time.
If you do have to sit for long periods, it is recommended that you get up and move around at least every hour.
Fifth Home Treatment: Dietary changes.
This treatment takes a little longer to implement but is well worth the effort.
Adding green leafy vegetables, more fiber and bran to your diet will keep your stools soft which will relieve pressure and pain during bowel movements.
Drinking more water is also highly recommended.
By the way...
do you want to know the best way to become hemorrhoid treatment free? The best way become hemorrhoid treatment free is to keep your stools soft so that they pass more easily during bowel movements.
This in turn will decrease the pressure and strain of going to the bathroom.
Exercise, including walking, drinking more water and increasing the fiber in your diet will also help reduce constipation and straining by producing stools that are softer and that will pass much more easily during a bowel movement.
In fact, about 50% or half of the population has hemorrhoids by age of 50! So the likely hood of your getting hemorrhoids is very high.
So it really is in your best interest to read the following hemorrhoid treatment quick relief tips so you will know what to do if or when you get hemorrhoids.
I'll also tell you how you can be in the other 50% and be "hemorrhoid free.
" Hemorrhoids can be either internal or external.
The hemorrhoid treatment is different depending on the severity of the problem.
Sometimes surgery is required but most of the time a conservative treatment approach can be followed which can be easily performed at home.
So What are the 5 Home Self-Care Hemorrhoid Treatments that bring quick relief? First Home Treatment:A Warm / Hot Sitz bath.
A warm / hot sitz bath is recommended 3 times a day and after each bowel movement for at least 15 minutes.
In a sitz bath, you sit in a few inches of warm water in a tub.
This is considered one of the best ways to lessen the pain and swelling of hemorrhoids.
Second Home Treatment:Stool softeners or laxatives.
These work by softening the stool and making it much less painful during each bowel movement.
This is especially helpful if you have constipation.
But please be careful.
You don't want to take so much laxative or stool softener that you get watery or running diarrhea.
This can make the anus area very sore and irritated.
Third Home Treatment: Over-the-Counter Hemorrhoid creams, ointments and suppositories.
These creams, ointments and suppositories relieve both internal and external hemorrhoid symptoms.
They can often provide quick soothing temporary relief from painful burning, itching and discomfort.
However, some people have found them of little help.
Forth Home Treatment:The Air Dough-nut & Sitting Restrictions.
Many hemorrhoid sufferers have found great relief when sitting to sit on an air dough-nut.
It provides great comfort by removing the pressure on the bowel area.
Some doctors also recommend to their patients that they not sit for long periods of time.
If you do have to sit for long periods, it is recommended that you get up and move around at least every hour.
Fifth Home Treatment: Dietary changes.
This treatment takes a little longer to implement but is well worth the effort.
Adding green leafy vegetables, more fiber and bran to your diet will keep your stools soft which will relieve pressure and pain during bowel movements.
Drinking more water is also highly recommended.
By the way...
do you want to know the best way to become hemorrhoid treatment free? The best way become hemorrhoid treatment free is to keep your stools soft so that they pass more easily during bowel movements.
This in turn will decrease the pressure and strain of going to the bathroom.
Exercise, including walking, drinking more water and increasing the fiber in your diet will also help reduce constipation and straining by producing stools that are softer and that will pass much more easily during a bowel movement.