How to Search for a File in C#
- 1). Create a new Windows Console application in Visual C#. Name it whatever you like, such as "FileSearchApp." You should be presented with a C# file named "Program.cs." If not, locate it in the Solution Explorer to the right and double-click it.
- 2). Inside the Main method in the Program.cs file, add the following lines:
string fileNameToFind = "*.txt";
string directoryToSearch = @"C:\Path\To\Folder\To\Search\In";
string[] files = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(directoryToSearch, fileNameToFind, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
foreach (string f in files)
Console.WriteLine("File: " + f);
Console.WriteLine("Total of " + files.Length + " files found.");
This searches for all files with a filename ending in "*txt" in the specified folder; you will need to change the folder to suit your system. Note that the returned string array contains the full paths to each of the individual files. - 3). To search for the given files in all subdirectories as well as the specified directory, change the line
string[] files = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(directoryToSearch, fileNameToFind, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
string[] files = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(directoryToSearch, fileNameToFind, SearchOption.AllDirectories);