Switching To Natural Arthritis Medication
Most arthritis sufferers have probably toyed with the idea of switching over to natural arthritis medication for pain relief. Perhaps they are concerned with the dangerous side effects of NSAIDS and Steroids, or maybe because their current medication is becoming too expensive.
Lack of knowledge about natural arthritis pain relief can sometimes put people off changing. It's not easy to find the time to research natural alternatives and we're not sure they're going to work anyway.
We get used to doing things a certain way and nobody really likes change especially when they're getting on in years. However if changing medication would mean an improvement in our health, wouldn't it be worth the effort?
Natural medications can relieve pain without negatively impacting on our general health. In fact some arthritis pain medication can actually benefit your health at the same time as relieving pain, inflammation and stiffness.
Some doctors and rheumatologists shy away from giving advice on natural medication. It's not their fault, medical training deals almost exclusively with allopathic solutions. Doctors are also bombarded with information and samples from drug companies who are, after all, businesses focussed on making a profit.
However in recent years the trend is changing. Medical practitioners are slowly accepting natural medications and treatments, maybe in part because some of their patients have told them of their positive experiences with the safer more natural alternatives.
So what is the best way to incorporate natural arthritis medications into our pain relief arsenal and can we realistically hope to make a complete switch to natural arthritis medication?
There are many natural treatments and natural medications to relieve arthritis pain so pick one that appeals to you and try it for a while. Natural arthritis remedies can take a while before the full effects are felt so give them a chance. In our instant society we expect instant results, but patience with natural medications reaps rewards.
When you have found a remedy or treatment that works for you, start reducing your chemical pain relief medication gradually. You will find in time that you can reduce your dependence on the drugs and hopefully cut them out altogether.
What are a few examples of natural remedies you could try? Well the first and most obvious is to lose a few pounds; that is if you are overweight. Your joints are struggling as it is, they don't need extra weight to cope with. This applies particularly to the hip and knee joints.
Exercise, as well as helping to shed the kilos, is very beneficial for arthritis sufferers. It strengthens the muscles that support the joints, prevents bone thinning and releases certain chemical called endorphins which promote a feeling of well being and help to relive pain.
A good diet pays a vital role in arthritis management, however these days our soils can be deficient in nutrients, so supplementing with certain vitamins may be helpful. Vitamin C is not stored in the body so needs to be taken daily. Vitamin C acts as an anti inflammatory as well as ridding the body of free radicals.
The vitamin B group, specifically B5 and B6 can aid in reducing swelling. The B vitamins are also good for relieving stress.
Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant which protects the joints from free radicals. It can also increase joint flexibility.
There are many other natural arthritis medications which are less well known, too many to list here. Some are as potent as Ibuprofen, but without the side effects.
In some cases arthritis can be cured or at least significantly reversed by switching to natural medication. Because natural medications can be fairly powerful, your doctor or naturopath's advice is recommended especially if you are already taking medication of some kind.
Lack of knowledge about natural arthritis pain relief can sometimes put people off changing. It's not easy to find the time to research natural alternatives and we're not sure they're going to work anyway.
We get used to doing things a certain way and nobody really likes change especially when they're getting on in years. However if changing medication would mean an improvement in our health, wouldn't it be worth the effort?
Natural medications can relieve pain without negatively impacting on our general health. In fact some arthritis pain medication can actually benefit your health at the same time as relieving pain, inflammation and stiffness.
Some doctors and rheumatologists shy away from giving advice on natural medication. It's not their fault, medical training deals almost exclusively with allopathic solutions. Doctors are also bombarded with information and samples from drug companies who are, after all, businesses focussed on making a profit.
However in recent years the trend is changing. Medical practitioners are slowly accepting natural medications and treatments, maybe in part because some of their patients have told them of their positive experiences with the safer more natural alternatives.
So what is the best way to incorporate natural arthritis medications into our pain relief arsenal and can we realistically hope to make a complete switch to natural arthritis medication?
There are many natural treatments and natural medications to relieve arthritis pain so pick one that appeals to you and try it for a while. Natural arthritis remedies can take a while before the full effects are felt so give them a chance. In our instant society we expect instant results, but patience with natural medications reaps rewards.
When you have found a remedy or treatment that works for you, start reducing your chemical pain relief medication gradually. You will find in time that you can reduce your dependence on the drugs and hopefully cut them out altogether.
What are a few examples of natural remedies you could try? Well the first and most obvious is to lose a few pounds; that is if you are overweight. Your joints are struggling as it is, they don't need extra weight to cope with. This applies particularly to the hip and knee joints.
Exercise, as well as helping to shed the kilos, is very beneficial for arthritis sufferers. It strengthens the muscles that support the joints, prevents bone thinning and releases certain chemical called endorphins which promote a feeling of well being and help to relive pain.
A good diet pays a vital role in arthritis management, however these days our soils can be deficient in nutrients, so supplementing with certain vitamins may be helpful. Vitamin C is not stored in the body so needs to be taken daily. Vitamin C acts as an anti inflammatory as well as ridding the body of free radicals.
The vitamin B group, specifically B5 and B6 can aid in reducing swelling. The B vitamins are also good for relieving stress.
Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant which protects the joints from free radicals. It can also increase joint flexibility.
There are many other natural arthritis medications which are less well known, too many to list here. Some are as potent as Ibuprofen, but without the side effects.
In some cases arthritis can be cured or at least significantly reversed by switching to natural medication. Because natural medications can be fairly powerful, your doctor or naturopath's advice is recommended especially if you are already taking medication of some kind.