Video: How to Save a Document in a Computer
Video Transcript
Hey, my name's Zach, and I wanted to show you how to save a Word document in your computer. Now, let's say that you want to be very organized for school. It's always a good idea to have backups, and I'm gonna show you how to get some backups now. So, as you can see I have my document here, and all I would have to do is go to the file menu, and I could do save as, because I haven't saved it yet. Alternately, if you hit this disk up here, or hit control+s as that dialogue says, then the save as menu also pops up. I'm gonna navigate to my documents folder, and in order to keep organization, we're gonna right-click, do new folder, and we'll call it school 2014. We're gonna title the document just for this video test document, and we'll go into the school 2014 folder and hit save. Now once you've saved that document you can actually close out of it and nothing will be lost. So I'm gonna close that, and now I can navigate to my explorer window and documents, and there's my school 2014 folder. I double-click that, and my test document is there and I can double-click to open it and everything is still there as I left it. So make sure you have good organization so you're ready to turn those files in whenever you need to. My name's Zach and I hope this video helps, thanks for watching.