Hair Loss Vitamin D
One interesting vitamin that get produced in the skin from direct exposure to the sun figures as another nutrient that helps prevent hair loss. Vitamin D aids in the regulation of calcium metabolism for stronger bones. It is an essential nutrient for growing kids whose calcium requirements for healthy bones can be significant in their growing years.
Most of our vitamin D requirement is produced by the skin when exposed to the sun. Some foods do contain the vitamin like cod liver oil, salmon, cereals and dairy products.
1. Vitamin D in Hair Loss
No scientific studies have yet to show any direct relationship between hair growth and vitamin D. But observations suggest that a deficiency in it results in rickets which can lead to hair loss. In addition, lab studies with mice deprived of vitamin D result in complete body hair loss.
Some experts believe that a deficiency in the vitamin when coupled with deficiencies in the fatty acids that convert cholesterol into useful "good" cholesterol, hair loss can occur. While lack of vitamin D has not be proven to result in hair loss, having the right levels can help maintain normal hair growth which is what is needed to neutralize excessive hair loss.
2. Vitamin D Risks
Vitamin D is another fat-soluble vitamin that is not easily excreted by the body when there's too much of it. It is fat-soluble and gets stored together with excess fat and is known to exhibit toxicity levels that can harm the health of adults. Weight loss can result and even hair loss. Vitamin D over production can get phosphate and excess calcium deposited in some organs like the kidneys and other soft tissues that can result in calcinosis.
It is rare that a person gets to overdose on vitamin D unless he eats a lot of cod liver oil. Even over exposure to the sun doesn't result in vitamin overproduction in the skin since the skin's melanin content regulates vitamin D production.
Most of our vitamin D requirement is produced by the skin when exposed to the sun. Some foods do contain the vitamin like cod liver oil, salmon, cereals and dairy products.
1. Vitamin D in Hair Loss
No scientific studies have yet to show any direct relationship between hair growth and vitamin D. But observations suggest that a deficiency in it results in rickets which can lead to hair loss. In addition, lab studies with mice deprived of vitamin D result in complete body hair loss.
Some experts believe that a deficiency in the vitamin when coupled with deficiencies in the fatty acids that convert cholesterol into useful "good" cholesterol, hair loss can occur. While lack of vitamin D has not be proven to result in hair loss, having the right levels can help maintain normal hair growth which is what is needed to neutralize excessive hair loss.
2. Vitamin D Risks
Vitamin D is another fat-soluble vitamin that is not easily excreted by the body when there's too much of it. It is fat-soluble and gets stored together with excess fat and is known to exhibit toxicity levels that can harm the health of adults. Weight loss can result and even hair loss. Vitamin D over production can get phosphate and excess calcium deposited in some organs like the kidneys and other soft tissues that can result in calcinosis.
It is rare that a person gets to overdose on vitamin D unless he eats a lot of cod liver oil. Even over exposure to the sun doesn't result in vitamin overproduction in the skin since the skin's melanin content regulates vitamin D production.