Have You Done Your Relationship Work Today?
Relationships take work.
Just like life, relationships go through stages.
Everyone remembers the 'good old days', the start of a relationship.
Everything is new and exciting.
However these feelings will not last forever and will change overtime.
Here is where a relationship may breakdown.
If one of the people in the relationship is still in the 'honeymoon' stage, and the other person has moved on, then conflict, resentment, and negative feelings may be felt by one or both in the relationship.
One way to overcome this is to encourage open communication where each person has the chance to openly and freely express their feelings while the other person listens.
I like the use of role play to help the couple understand each other's feelings.
This can then be reversed, and have the couple change places.
This will help each individual person to understand what the other person is feeling and experiencing.
A major reason why relationships break down is due to the lack of communication.
In the 'honeymoon' stage, communication was easy.
Each person wanted to get to know the other, however as a relationship progresses that desire fades.
Couples need to work on their relationships by scheduling time to talk about each other's feelings on a daily bases.
When was the last time you took a walk? It is one of the best things for you, yet so many don't do it.
I often advise my clients - especially married clients - to set aside 15 minutes a day to take a short walk.
While the exercise is nice, the fresh air, the sound of the birds, and saying hello to your neighbours can be a mood changer.
A walk can be very relaxing, it is a stress reliever, and can help you to have a goodnight sleep.
Also if you take a walk with your partner, you can spend the time talking about each other's day.
15 minutes a day can be a life changer! One key to marital success, Communication! When I talk with couples who are having marital issues, a large percentage identify communication - or lack thereof - as one of the underlying issues.
What I try to help my clients understand is that communication like so many other things needs to be worked on.
In our busy lives it is easier to ask for personal time - which is needed - than to sit down with our significant other and talk about the day.
What I recommend is for the couple to plan a time during the day where they have 15 minutes of uninterrupted one-on-one time to talk about all the good things that happened as well as the negative things.
I would also like the couple to make a list of things each one can do to make the day a little better for one another.
It is surprising what 15 minutes a day can accomplish!
Just like life, relationships go through stages.
Everyone remembers the 'good old days', the start of a relationship.
Everything is new and exciting.
However these feelings will not last forever and will change overtime.
Here is where a relationship may breakdown.
If one of the people in the relationship is still in the 'honeymoon' stage, and the other person has moved on, then conflict, resentment, and negative feelings may be felt by one or both in the relationship.
One way to overcome this is to encourage open communication where each person has the chance to openly and freely express their feelings while the other person listens.
I like the use of role play to help the couple understand each other's feelings.
This can then be reversed, and have the couple change places.
This will help each individual person to understand what the other person is feeling and experiencing.
A major reason why relationships break down is due to the lack of communication.
In the 'honeymoon' stage, communication was easy.
Each person wanted to get to know the other, however as a relationship progresses that desire fades.
Couples need to work on their relationships by scheduling time to talk about each other's feelings on a daily bases.
When was the last time you took a walk? It is one of the best things for you, yet so many don't do it.
I often advise my clients - especially married clients - to set aside 15 minutes a day to take a short walk.
While the exercise is nice, the fresh air, the sound of the birds, and saying hello to your neighbours can be a mood changer.
A walk can be very relaxing, it is a stress reliever, and can help you to have a goodnight sleep.
Also if you take a walk with your partner, you can spend the time talking about each other's day.
15 minutes a day can be a life changer! One key to marital success, Communication! When I talk with couples who are having marital issues, a large percentage identify communication - or lack thereof - as one of the underlying issues.
What I try to help my clients understand is that communication like so many other things needs to be worked on.
In our busy lives it is easier to ask for personal time - which is needed - than to sit down with our significant other and talk about the day.
What I recommend is for the couple to plan a time during the day where they have 15 minutes of uninterrupted one-on-one time to talk about all the good things that happened as well as the negative things.
I would also like the couple to make a list of things each one can do to make the day a little better for one another.
It is surprising what 15 minutes a day can accomplish!