How to Check Who Stopped Following You on Tumblr
- 1). Select your browser from those listed. Missing E can be used in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Selecting Chrome will take you to the Chrome webstore where you can install it as an extension; choosing Firefox allows you to install it as an add-on. Clicking Safari will initiate the installation directly.
- 2). Click "Install" if you use Chrome or "Download Now" if you use Firefox, to initiate the download and installation of the extension. If Missing E replaces any other installed Tumblr add-ons, such as Tumblr Crushes, you will want to disable them.
- 3). Go to Tumblr and hover your cursor over the "followers" link on your dashboard sidebar. When you hover over the link the symbols ""ρ" appear; click these symbols. Unfollowr will appear in a smaller window to alert you to any users who have unfollowed you.
- 1). Click the green "Install" button on the Tumblr Unfollower page. If you're using Chrome, the script will install as an extension. If you're using Firefox, you will need to install Greasemonkey first.
- 2). Authorize the script to install. In Firefox this will take you to add-on installation process while Chrome will show the extension pop-up. Click "Install" in either case.
- 3). Go to your Tumblr dashboard and hover your mouse over the "followers" link of your sidebar. Next to the link a """ will appear; click this symbol to check who unfollowed you.
Using Missing E
Using Tumblr Unfollowr