Bodybuilding Back Exercises
- Adjust the seat on the lat pull-down machine so it is in the correct position for your body. Grab the bar so your hands are just wider than shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms completely. Lean back a little so your chest is positioned directly under the cable pulley device. To help maintain a straight back posture through the movement, it may be necessary to brace the abs and back by wearing a weight belt. Breathe in and pull down on the bar. Keep your forearms vertical as you bring the bar toward the middle of your chest. Hold this position for a moment, exhale and extend your arms back to the beginning location. Always pull the bar down in front of your head. When the bar is pulled behind the head, there is a greater chance for injury to the shoulder ligaments or tendons. For heavy lifters, do four sets of six reps twice per week. For lighter lifting, do four sets of 10 to 15 reps.
- This exercise requires the use of a cable pulley machine. Place your feet on the associated foot plates and grab both handles with an underhand grip. Inhale as you pull the cable inward. Pull it toward your torso until it actually touches the lower part of your rib cage. Tuck your elbows tightly into your sides, and squeeze your shoulders inward. Exhale as you extend your arms back to the starting location. Maintain a straight back and mild knee bend throughout this exercise. You should do four sets of six reps twice per week.
- Doing pull-ups requires a stationary bar that can support your body weight. Grab the bar with both hands in an underhand grip at at shoulder-distance apart. Lift your body so your feet cannot touch the ground. To hold the back straight, you may need to wear a weight belt. Breathe in and slowly pull the body high enough so your chin is aligned with the bar. Pause, then slowly lower your body back down. Do as many reps as possible, then rest for 10 seconds and begin again. Complete four sets of pull-ups under this format.
Lat Pull Down
Cable Rows
Pull Ups