How to Get a Prescription Without Insurance
- 1). Contact The Access Project, Rx Assist, The Free Medicine Program or Partnership for Prescription Assistance (see Resources). Each of these organizations offers patient assistance programs that can help obtain prescription medication assistance from drug manufacturers.
- 2). Tell the agent you would like to apply for assistance for the programs. Be prepared to provide the name and dosage of your medications and the name of your physician. Proper forms will either be mailed or emailed to you or you may be given a website where the forms can be printed and filled out. The Free Medicine Program allows you to request the application online.
- 3). Fill out the forms and submit them for review. The application forms require the signature of your doctor to process. You will also need to include a $5.00 processing fee when mailing in the application.
- 4). Wait two to three weeks for a mailed response. If you do not qualify, you will receive a statement of ineligibility, and the patient assistance center will refund the $5.00 processing fee. If you qualify, a 90-day supply of your medication will arrive in the mail.