Information About Pigeon Control
Pigeon fecal matter is corrosive in nature and can be the main reason for building degeneration.
It causes problems in maintenance of the valuable structures.
Pigeons carry many diseases that are harmful to human beings.
The fecal matters being dropped by pigeons harbor and transmit many diseases such as ornithosis, cryptococcosis, toxoplasmosis Newcastle disease, salmonella food poisoning, encephalitis.
The droppings also form breeding ground for many parasites and diseases.
Pigeon control can be effectively done by seeking professional help.
The pigeon menace is hard to control.
Because, once pigeons find any suitable location for nesting, they are hardly discouraged by any temporary measures.
You need to have appropriate information and follow the right procedures to get rid of pigeon roost from chimneys, attics and roofs.
Professional help can be sought from qualified people to get rid of pigeons from the structure or an area.
Pigeon proofing is the one of the few measures considered for effective pigeon control.
The pigeon proofing follows the basic principle of making the area inhabitable to pigeons.
The pigeon nests are usually found in high areas of the structures, and places such as rafters, attics, awnings and ledgers.
Such places in the structure can be sealed by using plates, screens and fillers.
Tactile repellent can also be used for pigeon control in flat areas.
Tactile Repellents are devices and substances that discourage pigeons to touch or land on a particular surface.
The different types of tactile repellents used are: 1)Anti-Roosting Spike: The spikes strip can be fitted in a place, which is inhabited by pigeons.
The spikes strip will make the place unpleasant for pigeons to land.
2)Chemicals: Chemicals are also used to deter pigeons.
The solvents used here are sticky and make the surface less attractive for pigeons.
The chemicals used cause pain in the feet of the pigeon when they come in its contact.
These solvents are specialized pest control products used for pigeon control.
3)Do-It-Yourself: Pigeon control can also be achieved by some do-it yourself measures.
The surface or perch that is frequented by pigeons can be made unusable by a clever method.
Modifications to make the surface a sloped one or using tight loops of chicken wire are effective in pigeon control.
Electrified fences and wiring and automatic sprinkler systems are some of the methods that need to be adopted for pigeon control.
It causes problems in maintenance of the valuable structures.
Pigeons carry many diseases that are harmful to human beings.
The fecal matters being dropped by pigeons harbor and transmit many diseases such as ornithosis, cryptococcosis, toxoplasmosis Newcastle disease, salmonella food poisoning, encephalitis.
The droppings also form breeding ground for many parasites and diseases.
Pigeon control can be effectively done by seeking professional help.
The pigeon menace is hard to control.
Because, once pigeons find any suitable location for nesting, they are hardly discouraged by any temporary measures.
You need to have appropriate information and follow the right procedures to get rid of pigeon roost from chimneys, attics and roofs.
Professional help can be sought from qualified people to get rid of pigeons from the structure or an area.
Pigeon proofing is the one of the few measures considered for effective pigeon control.
The pigeon proofing follows the basic principle of making the area inhabitable to pigeons.
The pigeon nests are usually found in high areas of the structures, and places such as rafters, attics, awnings and ledgers.
Such places in the structure can be sealed by using plates, screens and fillers.
Tactile repellent can also be used for pigeon control in flat areas.
Tactile Repellents are devices and substances that discourage pigeons to touch or land on a particular surface.
The different types of tactile repellents used are: 1)Anti-Roosting Spike: The spikes strip can be fitted in a place, which is inhabited by pigeons.
The spikes strip will make the place unpleasant for pigeons to land.
2)Chemicals: Chemicals are also used to deter pigeons.
The solvents used here are sticky and make the surface less attractive for pigeons.
The chemicals used cause pain in the feet of the pigeon when they come in its contact.
These solvents are specialized pest control products used for pigeon control.
3)Do-It-Yourself: Pigeon control can also be achieved by some do-it yourself measures.
The surface or perch that is frequented by pigeons can be made unusable by a clever method.
Modifications to make the surface a sloped one or using tight loops of chicken wire are effective in pigeon control.
Electrified fences and wiring and automatic sprinkler systems are some of the methods that need to be adopted for pigeon control.