The Disturbing Effects of Panic Attacks and What You Can Do to Avoid Them
The effects of panic attacks can actually be more destructive than the actual attack itself, because the sufferers will be burdened by the scars left behind for the rest of their lives; this makes panic disorder one of the worst conditions that could ever befall a person.
There are hundreds of thousands of people from all over the globe who suffer from panic or anxiety disorder, which is why there are also lots of techniques and methods developed for counteracting anxiety attacks, and several of them can actually be done at home.
The average panic attack usually lasts about 2 to 3 hours, but there are isolated cases wherein the sufferer languished for almost an entire day.
When people suffer from panic attacks, they usually scream uncontrollably and cower in one corner of the room.
This fear can sometimes be so paralyzing, it can make the person lose all strength from the muscles and fall unconscious on the spot.
Even when once the person has recovered from the initial bout of anxiety, the fear is already instilled deeply ingrained in the mind, making the person dread that the next panic attack will be coming soon.
This is one of the nasty effects of panic attacks on people.
Most sufferers are too ashamed to seek help from psychologists, which is why they would rather self-medicate using anti-depressants and other forms of medication, instead of admitting that they have a panic disorder.
Though medication do serve as a stopgap for the panic symptoms, the underlying causes of anxiety disorder is still left untreated.
Another reason why medication is not really advisable is because most of them have dangerous side effects, like drug dependency, moderate to severe nausea, loose bowels, and insomnia.
These side effects make medication more of a problem rather than a solution.
The only real way that anxiety can really be suppressed, and maybe even eliminated, is through the use of natural relaxation methods.
Panic attacks are caused by a sudden rush of negative emotions in the mind, which in turn triggers the flight or fight response in the brain.
Once this primal response is triggered, the person will start losing control of his body.
This response causes massive trembling, excessive sweating, elevated heartbeat, and nausea.
And the worst part about this is that the person has absolutely no idea why this is all happening, making the attack more terrifying.
By learning several relaxation techniques, people who are suffering from anxiety disorders can actually stop the panic attack even before it manifests.
In fact, there are some people who have been doing these techniques for such a long time that it has actually become second nature; you can learn to do this to, as long as you keep practicing.
So keep in mind that medication is only for extreme cases and should not be taken without a prescription.
If you are looking for a way to stop the effects of panic attacks and keep them from coming back, the best course is to go the natural way.
There are hundreds of thousands of people from all over the globe who suffer from panic or anxiety disorder, which is why there are also lots of techniques and methods developed for counteracting anxiety attacks, and several of them can actually be done at home.
The average panic attack usually lasts about 2 to 3 hours, but there are isolated cases wherein the sufferer languished for almost an entire day.
When people suffer from panic attacks, they usually scream uncontrollably and cower in one corner of the room.
This fear can sometimes be so paralyzing, it can make the person lose all strength from the muscles and fall unconscious on the spot.
Even when once the person has recovered from the initial bout of anxiety, the fear is already instilled deeply ingrained in the mind, making the person dread that the next panic attack will be coming soon.
This is one of the nasty effects of panic attacks on people.
Most sufferers are too ashamed to seek help from psychologists, which is why they would rather self-medicate using anti-depressants and other forms of medication, instead of admitting that they have a panic disorder.
Though medication do serve as a stopgap for the panic symptoms, the underlying causes of anxiety disorder is still left untreated.
Another reason why medication is not really advisable is because most of them have dangerous side effects, like drug dependency, moderate to severe nausea, loose bowels, and insomnia.
These side effects make medication more of a problem rather than a solution.
The only real way that anxiety can really be suppressed, and maybe even eliminated, is through the use of natural relaxation methods.
Panic attacks are caused by a sudden rush of negative emotions in the mind, which in turn triggers the flight or fight response in the brain.
Once this primal response is triggered, the person will start losing control of his body.
This response causes massive trembling, excessive sweating, elevated heartbeat, and nausea.
And the worst part about this is that the person has absolutely no idea why this is all happening, making the attack more terrifying.
By learning several relaxation techniques, people who are suffering from anxiety disorders can actually stop the panic attack even before it manifests.
In fact, there are some people who have been doing these techniques for such a long time that it has actually become second nature; you can learn to do this to, as long as you keep practicing.
So keep in mind that medication is only for extreme cases and should not be taken without a prescription.
If you are looking for a way to stop the effects of panic attacks and keep them from coming back, the best course is to go the natural way.