How to Make Your Own Corncob Pipe for Free
- 1). Select a cob for your corncob pipe. According to Mother Earth News, the best corncobs for pipes are ones that are recently grown and still firm, not soft with age.
- 2). Cut the corncob to your preferred length with a knife. The size of the corn cob will vary depending on your personal preference. Use a pen knife or pocket knife to round the cob at the bottom so that it resembles a pipe bowl.
- 3). Gouge out the inside at the top of cob with a pen knife or pocket knife. Make the ditch in your cob 2 inches deep. Leave at least ½ inch all around to form the rim of the bowl.
- 4). Find a corn stalk or wild rice stalk that is approximately 1/4 inch wide. Cut the stalk to fit your preferred length for the stem of your pipe; cut both ends near a joint in the stalk for the firmest stem.
- 5). Use a small drill bit or a wire coat hanger to hollow out the stalk, so that you can draw through it. Slice a diagonal cut across one end so that it will slide into the cob easier.
- 6). Lay the cob on one side and use your knife or drill to create a small hole that will fit the stem. Insert the stem tightly; the pipe is now ready to smoke.