Dog Training For Idiots
In this day and age it's hard to find the time to train mans best friend! We've almost abandoned the little mutt, excuse me companion is what I really meant to say.
For those of us that allow our pups to roam around the house free, marking their territory as much leaving shredded shoes in their war path, this article maybe for you!!! These are tips for basic Dog Training Tips:On Potty Training! First and foremost, the one crucial step after the process of getting a dog is to Potty Train, I mean unless you like the aroma of hot urine and poop first thing in the morning, then please stop reading this article, for those of you, who are like myself that like a clean scented house in the morning with almost no evidence of any pets living in the home at all please read on.
Start off by setting up a strict schedule for eating and feeding time(since dogs tend to go potty 15-20mins after eating) this can be vital to process in the learning curve for your dog's potty training process.
Avoid giving and treats before bedtime, water should be given in small portions.
Once that has been established lets set up a schedule for Potty-Time, after eating, take the puppy outside on scheduled time daily mornings, when he wakes up, after his meals/snacks/ naps and before bedtime.
It's very important that you take him the same spot every time he needs to go potty, this will teach him this is he place to relieve him/herself! Remember to reward your pup for doing a awesome job in the fertilizing process with either snacks or a nice puppy massage, because let's face it who doesn't like to be rubbed!
For those of us that allow our pups to roam around the house free, marking their territory as much leaving shredded shoes in their war path, this article maybe for you!!! These are tips for basic Dog Training Tips:On Potty Training! First and foremost, the one crucial step after the process of getting a dog is to Potty Train, I mean unless you like the aroma of hot urine and poop first thing in the morning, then please stop reading this article, for those of you, who are like myself that like a clean scented house in the morning with almost no evidence of any pets living in the home at all please read on.
Start off by setting up a strict schedule for eating and feeding time(since dogs tend to go potty 15-20mins after eating) this can be vital to process in the learning curve for your dog's potty training process.
Avoid giving and treats before bedtime, water should be given in small portions.
Once that has been established lets set up a schedule for Potty-Time, after eating, take the puppy outside on scheduled time daily mornings, when he wakes up, after his meals/snacks/ naps and before bedtime.
It's very important that you take him the same spot every time he needs to go potty, this will teach him this is he place to relieve him/herself! Remember to reward your pup for doing a awesome job in the fertilizing process with either snacks or a nice puppy massage, because let's face it who doesn't like to be rubbed!