How to Build a Chicken Coop - What You Should Know Before You Make a Chicken Coop
If you want to know how to build a chicken coop, then this article will show you how.
Specifically, we're going to talk about deciding on the size, deciding where to put it, and how to actually build your own coop.
By the time you've finished reading this article, you will be better informed about the things you need to keep in mind if you're building a backyard chicken coop from scratch.
The first thing you need to do is decide on the size of the coop.
As you may already know, they come in a wide variety or shapes and sizes - ranging from the small coops, to the large "premium" ones.
The questions you need to ask yourself are: "How many chicken do I want to keep?" and "How much space do I have available in my yard?".
Next, you need to decide where you're going to put it.
It's very important to plan this carefully, for a variety of reasons.
Firstly, your coop needs to be protected from the weather.
Your chickens won't enjoy a cold, damp environment - so you need to make sure they will be out of the rain.
Make sure your coop isn't in a position where it can become flooded, either.
Finally, it will need to have good air ventilation to keep your chickens healthy.
Also, you need to protect your chickens from potential predators.
To many animals, your chicken coop will look like a tasty snack.
You will need a good strong fence to keep dogs out, and depending on where you live, you may also need to cement the floor to prevent snakes from getting in.
In general, you'll need to cover any windows or entries with chicken wire to stop unwanted predators from gaining access.
Now let's talk about actually building your chicken coop.
There's many reasons why you would want to build your own, and one of the reasons is probably because prebuilt ones are just so expensive.
It just makes good economic sense to build your own.
Luckily, it's actually very simple to do - simpler than you may think! Even if you're not very good at building things, you can still build your own chicken coop if you have the right plan to follow.
The best guides will show you all the materials you need, and show you exactly what to do with them.
Specifically, we're going to talk about deciding on the size, deciding where to put it, and how to actually build your own coop.
By the time you've finished reading this article, you will be better informed about the things you need to keep in mind if you're building a backyard chicken coop from scratch.
The first thing you need to do is decide on the size of the coop.
As you may already know, they come in a wide variety or shapes and sizes - ranging from the small coops, to the large "premium" ones.
The questions you need to ask yourself are: "How many chicken do I want to keep?" and "How much space do I have available in my yard?".
Next, you need to decide where you're going to put it.
It's very important to plan this carefully, for a variety of reasons.
Firstly, your coop needs to be protected from the weather.
Your chickens won't enjoy a cold, damp environment - so you need to make sure they will be out of the rain.
Make sure your coop isn't in a position where it can become flooded, either.
Finally, it will need to have good air ventilation to keep your chickens healthy.
Also, you need to protect your chickens from potential predators.
To many animals, your chicken coop will look like a tasty snack.
You will need a good strong fence to keep dogs out, and depending on where you live, you may also need to cement the floor to prevent snakes from getting in.
In general, you'll need to cover any windows or entries with chicken wire to stop unwanted predators from gaining access.
Now let's talk about actually building your chicken coop.
There's many reasons why you would want to build your own, and one of the reasons is probably because prebuilt ones are just so expensive.
It just makes good economic sense to build your own.
Luckily, it's actually very simple to do - simpler than you may think! Even if you're not very good at building things, you can still build your own chicken coop if you have the right plan to follow.
The best guides will show you all the materials you need, and show you exactly what to do with them.