How to Make a Full Width Header in Photoshop
- 1). Click the "File" menu. Click "New." Type "Header" into the "Name" box. Type the dimensions for the canvas -- the entire canvas, not just the header -- into the "Width" and "Height" boxes. Select "inches" for each and click the "OK" button to open the canvas.
- 2). Click the gray rectangle icon near the bottom of the "Tools" pane. If you do not see the rectangle, right-click a gray circle, line or gray star and choose "Rectangle Tool" from the fly-out menu.
- 3). Click into the "Color" box at the top of the work area. Choose a background color for the full-width header. Click "OK."
- 4). Position the cursor in the gray area above the top-left of the "Header" canvas. Click and hold down the left mouse button. Draw a rectangle that stretches into the gray area of the other side of the "Header" box. Don't worry that the header extends into the gray Photoshop workspace -- it won't be kept as part of the image file; it just ensures that the header extends to the exact edges of the canvas. Release the mouse, and the header fills in.
- 5). Click the "T" icon on the "Tools" pane to select controls for the header's text. Choose a font, size and color that stands out from the background color using the toolbar at the top of the work area. Click the header and type the header text, such as "Max's Website" or "Welcome to the Cat Haven." Add text as desired.
- 6). Add elements to the "body" of the canvas below the header as desired using one of Photoshop's drawing tools on the "Tools" pane, such as the paintbrush, pencil or paint bucket.
- 7). Click the "File" menu. Click "Save As," select a destination to save the header file and click the "Save" button.