Training Your Dog to Go to His Crate
Crate training is very useful for housetraining your dog. It can be frustrating, however, to get your dog into the crate when you are ready to leave the house. The good news is that you can train your dog to get into his crate on command.
Here's how to do it:
What You Need
To train your dog to get into his crate on command, you'll need some treats and his crate. If you are clicker training, you'll also need your clicker.
Choose a Command
To start, you'll need to choose a command to let your dog know it is time to get in his crate. Many trainers use "kennel" or "kennel up."
Teach Your Dog to Kennel Up
You can usually teach your dog the "kennel up" command in a few short training sessions. Start by standing in front of your dog's crate and showing him some treats. Give him the command "kennel up," and throw the treats into the back of the crate. As soon as your dog walks into the crate to get the treats, praise him or click your clicker. If you're working on the wait command, make your dog wait before you release him from his crate. Repeat this several times.
Practice the "kennel up" command a few times a day for about 10 minutes each session. After several days, you can stop throwing the treats into the crate. The first few times, you might have to move your hand as if you're throwing a treat inside after you give the command. When your dog gets inside, click your clicker or praise him and drop a treat into the crate.
With a few practice sessions, you should be able to get your dog to step into his crate immediately as soon as he hears the "kennel up" command.