The Many Facets Unorthodox Traffic Generation
In today's fast and ultra competitive world your business needs a strong web presence. It is no longer a luxury. Whether your business is a traditionally on line or off line one people still demand the instant access to your products or services that a website offers them, ignore the web and not only will your business be ignoring a large source of new customers, you also risk being left behind as your competitors take your share of the market.
Now you have your website you need traffic, and lots of it. Your website no matter how professional needs to attract web visitors and generate an ever increasing constant stream of hits and most importantly targeted traffic to be successful. Unlike a phone book where all numbers are listed alpebetically web site URLs are found mainly through keywords (search engines), links, offline marketing, and referrals. Therefore, searching for your site will get the maximum targeted web traffic if your company or product is positioned well.
Another advantage of the Web is that even small or medium sized companies, even a one man operation run from the kitchen table, can look as good as much larger companies. The net is a great leveller. you can have as good a share of the web traffic and therefore profits as your much larger competitor with a little effort and use of various often unorthodox traffic generating techniques.
While you may lack advertising budgets similar to those of the big guns, smaller-sized entrepreneurs can still obtain huge amounts of traffic through more economical or unorthodox traffic means of promotion. These are not restricted to banners and search engines either. There are many many unorthodox traffic generation methods available most of which are free and often overlooked by the big players.
For example emails or signature files, specialized directories, topic-specific indices, Intranets, strategic marketing alliances, links on non-competing web sites, buttons, discussion groups, classified ad sites , "opt-in" mailing lists, reciprocal links, newsgroups, online conferences, Internet chats, community-based sites, and specialized online discussion forums .all of which can help market a company effectively online.
You must have heard the mantra taught to the traditional business, location location location. On the net this rule applies just as much if not even more. For maximum traffic the more places you can get your URL or link the more times it will appear on someone's i.e your customers screen.
If your site offers freebies (especially free information, such as articles, reports, e-zines, books, software, and so on) or a special incentive of some kind on a product or service you sell, use the "trade-off" technique and ask for a link to your site in return. If you offer something of value, not only will people feel the need to reciprocate but also merely asking helps to elevate that value in the mind of the prospect.
In the quest for back links why not provide tools. or "interactive" traffic generators,examples of which include games, quizzes, surveys, polls, form mailers, referral functions, videos, search functions, mini-directories, contests, article archives, and greeting cards. Interactive traffic generators are often referred to as "plug-ins," since they help visitors to experience your site rather than just view it. try to stick to CGI or ASP instead of Java as these server side applications work on the site instead of using your visitors computer which may not contain the necessary software.
However one of the simplest interactive traffic generators often overlooked is delivering consistently updated fresh content. For example continually adding new articles and special reports, or posting past newsletter issues in a special archive. The repeat traffic or improved search engine rankings this provides is to valuable to ignore.
When you get a visitor your aim should be to capture that persons information get them to add themselves to our mailing list and a good way to get this is to provide an item of information or protected pages, access to which can be only gained by filling in your online form. This is very important and allows you to follow up with your prospect and build a relationship and therefore get that sale. Building your own opt in list is probably the biggest key to succeeding with your online marketing ventures.
Know your "niche" and specialise. As more and more businesses get started and more web sites populate cyberspace, the less time, energy, and money people will have to spend in making choices for those with whom they will choose to do business. Therefore, have your site focused on a niche, a specific theme, or a particular concept. Get laser targeted traffic,Imagine how easy is it to make a sale to a customer already looking for your targeted niche, than a visitor to a generalised site with many themes and items.
Never rely solely on search engines and banners for generating traffic. If you do, your competition will always be a step ahead. Think unorthodox traffic and look for the path less travelled. I assure you this will bring visitors hits and success by the truckload.
Now you have your website you need traffic, and lots of it. Your website no matter how professional needs to attract web visitors and generate an ever increasing constant stream of hits and most importantly targeted traffic to be successful. Unlike a phone book where all numbers are listed alpebetically web site URLs are found mainly through keywords (search engines), links, offline marketing, and referrals. Therefore, searching for your site will get the maximum targeted web traffic if your company or product is positioned well.
Another advantage of the Web is that even small or medium sized companies, even a one man operation run from the kitchen table, can look as good as much larger companies. The net is a great leveller. you can have as good a share of the web traffic and therefore profits as your much larger competitor with a little effort and use of various often unorthodox traffic generating techniques.
While you may lack advertising budgets similar to those of the big guns, smaller-sized entrepreneurs can still obtain huge amounts of traffic through more economical or unorthodox traffic means of promotion. These are not restricted to banners and search engines either. There are many many unorthodox traffic generation methods available most of which are free and often overlooked by the big players.
For example emails or signature files, specialized directories, topic-specific indices, Intranets, strategic marketing alliances, links on non-competing web sites, buttons, discussion groups, classified ad sites , "opt-in" mailing lists, reciprocal links, newsgroups, online conferences, Internet chats, community-based sites, and specialized online discussion forums .all of which can help market a company effectively online.
You must have heard the mantra taught to the traditional business, location location location. On the net this rule applies just as much if not even more. For maximum traffic the more places you can get your URL or link the more times it will appear on someone's i.e your customers screen.
If your site offers freebies (especially free information, such as articles, reports, e-zines, books, software, and so on) or a special incentive of some kind on a product or service you sell, use the "trade-off" technique and ask for a link to your site in return. If you offer something of value, not only will people feel the need to reciprocate but also merely asking helps to elevate that value in the mind of the prospect.
In the quest for back links why not provide tools. or "interactive" traffic generators,examples of which include games, quizzes, surveys, polls, form mailers, referral functions, videos, search functions, mini-directories, contests, article archives, and greeting cards. Interactive traffic generators are often referred to as "plug-ins," since they help visitors to experience your site rather than just view it. try to stick to CGI or ASP instead of Java as these server side applications work on the site instead of using your visitors computer which may not contain the necessary software.
However one of the simplest interactive traffic generators often overlooked is delivering consistently updated fresh content. For example continually adding new articles and special reports, or posting past newsletter issues in a special archive. The repeat traffic or improved search engine rankings this provides is to valuable to ignore.
When you get a visitor your aim should be to capture that persons information get them to add themselves to our mailing list and a good way to get this is to provide an item of information or protected pages, access to which can be only gained by filling in your online form. This is very important and allows you to follow up with your prospect and build a relationship and therefore get that sale. Building your own opt in list is probably the biggest key to succeeding with your online marketing ventures.
Know your "niche" and specialise. As more and more businesses get started and more web sites populate cyberspace, the less time, energy, and money people will have to spend in making choices for those with whom they will choose to do business. Therefore, have your site focused on a niche, a specific theme, or a particular concept. Get laser targeted traffic,Imagine how easy is it to make a sale to a customer already looking for your targeted niche, than a visitor to a generalised site with many themes and items.
Never rely solely on search engines and banners for generating traffic. If you do, your competition will always be a step ahead. Think unorthodox traffic and look for the path less travelled. I assure you this will bring visitors hits and success by the truckload.