Natural Products to Kill Roaches
- This is also referred to as "insect dust" in some stores. Diatomaceous Earth is made up of fossilized plants that grow in water. The plants degrade into a mixture of minerals like magnesium, calcium, sodium and iron. The DE is mined and then ground into a powder. The particles are safe for humans to touch but the razor sharp particles will cut through a roach's exoskeleton and they will die within hours. Eating the dust will kill them as well. Sprinkle it in areas where you suspect they live.
- Boric acid is a natural chemical that can be used to kill roaches. It will eat away at the roach's bodies after they walk through it. They will not die instantly but will over time. Roaches cannot become resistant to it as it eats away at them from the outside. Sprinkle it on counters, under counters and appliances and other areas you think they live. It will need to be reapplied periodically as it loses some effectiveness over time.
- Cedarcide granules are an effective way to control roaches naturally from the exterior of your home. Cedarcide can be found at any garden center. It is used to control other pests as well. Sprinkle Cedarcide around the perimeter of your home to prevent roaches from coming in. It can be used on the entire lawn to prevent other insects as well as roaches from coming near the house. This is not a fool-proof remedy for getting rid of roaches but is an effective deterrent.
- Classic roach traps are also available in a nontoxic form. These can be purchased online, at your local garden center or hardware store. Each company has their own special recipe for natural roach control, but the traps work the same as traditional ones. They bait the roaches into coming in, and then they consume a chemical that is poison to them. Nontoxic roach traps are safe for use around children and pets.
Diatomaceous Earth (DE)
Boric Acid
Nontoxic Roach Traps