How to Clean a Rubber Roof on an RV
- 1). Spray the roof down to remove loose dirt and debris. Use a spray attachment on a regular garden hose.
- 2). Mix one part rubber roof cleaner with four parts water in a large bucket. Check package instructions for exact mixing proportions, as it differs by manufacturer.
- 3). Wash the roof thoroughly with the cleanser and a large sponge. Keep an eye out for damage and mold.
- 4). Rinse the cleanser from the roof and sides of the RV. Cleaner running onto the RV siding can damage it if not rinsed off completely.
- 5). Apply a coat of UV sealant to the entire rubber roof. Allow it to dry for 24 hours, then apply a second coat of sealant. Let the second coat dry an additional 24 to 48 hours.