Glacier Annihilation - Not Global Warming, But Accumulation of Dust Blowing
There still seems to be quite a bit of controversy over global warming theory, and even those folks who have concluded that the climate is actually warming, albeit 1.
5 to 2 degrees F over the last hundred years which to me seems insignificant, and could even be a rounding error, no one is completely sure what is causing it, or if it really is mankind's emissions from CO2 which is pushing it along at a more rapid rate.
The global weather data just isn't there, nor do the ice core samples, tree trunk rings, or geological record prove anything conclusively.
Okay so, let's talk about this for a moment shall we? Many believe that glaciers do offer some clue, and we can see at what rate they melt.
Of course, much of the data taken away from these things is also fairly hard to tell, and presents measuring challenges, along with more scientific controversy.
It seems that wherever we go, and whatever evidence we look at, there are alternate ways to explain the findings.
Now then, there was an interesting article in Physorg (dot) com recently titled; "New study links dust to increased glacier melting, ocean productivity," published on March 1, 2012.
The article stated; "A University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science-led study shows a link between large dust storms on Iceland and glacial melting.
The dust is both accelerating glacial melting and contributing important nutrients to the surrounding North Atlantic Ocean.
The results provide new insights on the role of dust in climate change and high-latitude ocean ecosystems.
" Now then, the researchers were careful to state that the glaciers were retreating from "global warming" and that dust was accelerating the problem.
Why? Simple, if they upset the global warming alarmist crowd, they will lose future funding, and be black-balled by the atmospheric and climatology scientific community.
One global warming alarmist looking at all this stated that he believed that global warming from CO2 emissions of humans would cause droughts, meaning more dust blowing, thus, an accelerated end of the species.
Oh please spare me I say! Not from the end-of-times, but from the elevated rhetoric of the climate alarmists.
It seems to me that even with this excellent research about dust and glaciers, the research scientists compromise the integrity of their findings by throwing in the entire AGW theory, or even acknowledging it as a systematic part of their discoveries - it isn't.
Still, it's just these sorts of things which prove that the AGW folks have hijacked climate science.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
5 to 2 degrees F over the last hundred years which to me seems insignificant, and could even be a rounding error, no one is completely sure what is causing it, or if it really is mankind's emissions from CO2 which is pushing it along at a more rapid rate.
The global weather data just isn't there, nor do the ice core samples, tree trunk rings, or geological record prove anything conclusively.
Okay so, let's talk about this for a moment shall we? Many believe that glaciers do offer some clue, and we can see at what rate they melt.
Of course, much of the data taken away from these things is also fairly hard to tell, and presents measuring challenges, along with more scientific controversy.
It seems that wherever we go, and whatever evidence we look at, there are alternate ways to explain the findings.
Now then, there was an interesting article in Physorg (dot) com recently titled; "New study links dust to increased glacier melting, ocean productivity," published on March 1, 2012.
The article stated; "A University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science-led study shows a link between large dust storms on Iceland and glacial melting.
The dust is both accelerating glacial melting and contributing important nutrients to the surrounding North Atlantic Ocean.
The results provide new insights on the role of dust in climate change and high-latitude ocean ecosystems.
" Now then, the researchers were careful to state that the glaciers were retreating from "global warming" and that dust was accelerating the problem.
Why? Simple, if they upset the global warming alarmist crowd, they will lose future funding, and be black-balled by the atmospheric and climatology scientific community.
One global warming alarmist looking at all this stated that he believed that global warming from CO2 emissions of humans would cause droughts, meaning more dust blowing, thus, an accelerated end of the species.
Oh please spare me I say! Not from the end-of-times, but from the elevated rhetoric of the climate alarmists.
It seems to me that even with this excellent research about dust and glaciers, the research scientists compromise the integrity of their findings by throwing in the entire AGW theory, or even acknowledging it as a systematic part of their discoveries - it isn't.
Still, it's just these sorts of things which prove that the AGW folks have hijacked climate science.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.