How to Sand Raised Panel Cabinet Doors
- 1). Remove the cabinet doors from the cabinet base with a screwdriver and put them on a workbench or position them between two sawhorses. Place a drop cloth or an old blanket beneath the cabinet door to protect the underside from scratches.
- 2). Sand the flat portions of the raised panel door with the flat side of a medium-grit foam sanding pad. Move the sanding pad quickly back and forth in the same direction as the wood grain.
- 3). Smooth curved edges of raised panels with the side of the foam sanding pad. By pushing gently, the foam will press into the curves as you sand.
- 4). Use the narrow beveled edge of the foam sanding pad to sand the small ridges where the raised panel meets the flat cabinet door surface.
- 5). Fold regular sandpaper into a square and use the edge to sand narrow crevices on the raised panel or on recessed designs on the cabinet door, if applicable. For the tightest crevices, fold a piece of sandpaper over the blade of a putty knife and sand carefully back and forth.