What Are the Meanings of Independent and Dependent?
- "Independent" is defined as not relying heavily upon other people, not being controlled by other people and desiring personal freedom. No one is fully and completely independent all of the time, but some individuals exhibit more independence than others. A few individuals have tendencies toward extreme independence and might exhibit antisocial behavior.
- People with a more independent personality tend to go off in their own direction as opposed to joining one side or one team over another. They are often do-it-yourself types and prefer to do projects solo. They also are more likely to be leaders than to be followers in social situations. Very extreme independent personalities might avoid social settings and may even become a recluse or hermit.
- To be dependent means to rely on others for many things or to allow your life to be governed and controlled by another person or thing. For instance, children are referred to as dependents of their parents because they rely on their parents for food, shelter, clothing and financial support. Some extremely dependent people may rely on others for their emotional stability and survival.
- Dependent people are often more shy and more likely to join up with groups or teams as opposed to going in their own direction. Overly dependent people may have dependent personality disorder, a psychological disorder in which the individual has extreme separation anxiety issues and clings to others for emotional support. They fear being alone and being rejected.
- The level of independence or dependence in your personality is often shaped from your experiences starting at a very young age. The events in your life will trigger certain emotional responses and will reinforce your personality to move in the direction of dependence and independence. Often, people are more independent or dependent at different times or in different situations, so it is not static and is possible to change over time.
Independent Traits
Dependent Traits
Personality Development