All Tips, Tricks and YouTube Guides
Find the Embed Button
Sometimes you may want to embed a video, and sometimes you may want to link to it or share it in another way. We'll explore the options, and you'll be sharing YouTube videos in no time.
Do you want to embed a video? Embedded videos can be played on any Web page or site that supports embedding content. Google will give you the code, and you just need to copy and paste.
The first step is to press the <Embed> button.
Now, this is only visible on the YouTube watch page for that video, not on the channel page. That's an important distinction. If you see a link that says "View comments, related videos, and more" below the video, click on it, and that will take you to the watch page.
Next, you're going to click on the embed link. It used to be located on the right side on the watch page, but it has been moved below the video.
Choose Your Settings, Copy and Paste
Once you've pressed the embed button, it will reveal all your embedding options. You can choose from several options for your custom embedded YouTube video. The first choice is whether to include related videos. Related videos will ordinarily show up in little boxes on the bottom third of your video player. I find them distracting, so I usually disable related videos by unchecking the box.
The "privacy enhanced" mode has to do with whether or not Google sets a browser cookie for videos when the page has loaded, but nobody has clicked to start playing the video.
You also have the option to include a border to distinguish your video from the surrounding content. If you do not create a border around your video, your color choices will only show up on the bottom player bar. You should see a thumbnail preview to show how your video player will look.
Next you choose from the available color palates, and then choose a size. Choose a size that is large enough to show the video but not too large for the bandwidth of your audience. If you're embedding videos in your blog, often the smallest option is the best. If your video exceeds your blog's column width, it will mess with your blog's page layout.
YouTube automatically updates the embed code as you make choices, so you don't need to close the customize area or press any save buttons. Just copy the embed code from the top of the options box you opened when you pressed the embed button.
Paste Your Code Into Blogger
Now that you've got your code, you need to paste it somewhere. For this example we'll use Blogger, but you can use any blog or Web page that permits you to paste HTML and supports embedding.You just need to make sure you're posting this into source code. If you're using a WYSIWYG editor and paste in code, most tools think you want everything to be reformatted around showing code. You want to use the code to show your video.
If you see easy buttons that make things bold or change the font colors, it's probably not the place to paste it.
When you use Blogger, you can paste source code by using the Edit HTML tab.
With the Edit HTML tab pressed, paste in your code. It doesn't look like anything other than text in the code view. If you press the Compose tab, you'll see an odd box. This is normal. You can write someting above or below that box to add comments or introduce your video.
If you press the Preview link, you'll see the embedded video. If you don't see a video when you preview, go back and copy and paste your code again. It could be that you were missing a snippet of code.
What if you're using a social networking site where you can't post a standard, embedded video? Don't worry, you can still share your video. That's why there is a Share button. The Share button is also only visible on a video's watch page. If you see a link that says " View comments, related videos, and more " below that video, click on it, and that will take you to the watch page.
When do you use Share instead of <Embed>?
If you have no access to pasting source code, such as social networking sites, discussion boards, and microblogging services like Twitter, using the Embed button will be worthless. You should press the Share button instead.
As soon as you press the Share button, you'll have the exact URL of the YouTube video. If that's all you need, just copy and paste it. Otherwise, let's go to the next step and share.
Make sure you're logged into your favorite social networking service, first. Once you're logged in, and you've pressed the Share button, pick your favorite social networking or microblogging service from the available options. YouTube will automatically create a post for you that lets you share your video with your favorite service, including Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Orkut, and Bebo, and Hi5.
Your post will open in a new window, so you can share with more than one site if you'd like.
You can customize your link with a caption or introduction. The preview and appearance will depend on the service you use and how they handle YouTube videos.
Sometimes you may want to embed a video, and sometimes you may want to link to it or share it in another way. We'll explore the options, and you'll be sharing YouTube videos in no time.
Do you want to embed a video? Embedded videos can be played on any Web page or site that supports embedding content. Google will give you the code, and you just need to copy and paste.
The first step is to press the <Embed> button.
Now, this is only visible on the YouTube watch page for that video, not on the channel page. That's an important distinction. If you see a link that says "View comments, related videos, and more" below the video, click on it, and that will take you to the watch page.
Next, you're going to click on the embed link. It used to be located on the right side on the watch page, but it has been moved below the video.
Choose Your Settings, Copy and Paste
Once you've pressed the embed button, it will reveal all your embedding options. You can choose from several options for your custom embedded YouTube video. The first choice is whether to include related videos. Related videos will ordinarily show up in little boxes on the bottom third of your video player. I find them distracting, so I usually disable related videos by unchecking the box.
The "privacy enhanced" mode has to do with whether or not Google sets a browser cookie for videos when the page has loaded, but nobody has clicked to start playing the video.
You also have the option to include a border to distinguish your video from the surrounding content. If you do not create a border around your video, your color choices will only show up on the bottom player bar. You should see a thumbnail preview to show how your video player will look.
Next you choose from the available color palates, and then choose a size. Choose a size that is large enough to show the video but not too large for the bandwidth of your audience. If you're embedding videos in your blog, often the smallest option is the best. If your video exceeds your blog's column width, it will mess with your blog's page layout.
YouTube automatically updates the embed code as you make choices, so you don't need to close the customize area or press any save buttons. Just copy the embed code from the top of the options box you opened when you pressed the embed button.
Paste Your Code Into Blogger
Now that you've got your code, you need to paste it somewhere. For this example we'll use Blogger, but you can use any blog or Web page that permits you to paste HTML and supports embedding.You just need to make sure you're posting this into source code. If you're using a WYSIWYG editor and paste in code, most tools think you want everything to be reformatted around showing code. You want to use the code to show your video.
If you see easy buttons that make things bold or change the font colors, it's probably not the place to paste it.
When you use Blogger, you can paste source code by using the Edit HTML tab.
With the Edit HTML tab pressed, paste in your code. It doesn't look like anything other than text in the code view. If you press the Compose tab, you'll see an odd box. This is normal. You can write someting above or below that box to add comments or introduce your video.
If you press the Preview link, you'll see the embedded video. If you don't see a video when you preview, go back and copy and paste your code again. It could be that you were missing a snippet of code.
What if you're using a social networking site where you can't post a standard, embedded video? Don't worry, you can still share your video. That's why there is a Share button. The Share button is also only visible on a video's watch page. If you see a link that says " View comments, related videos, and more " below that video, click on it, and that will take you to the watch page.
When do you use Share instead of <Embed>?
If you have no access to pasting source code, such as social networking sites, discussion boards, and microblogging services like Twitter, using the Embed button will be worthless. You should press the Share button instead.
As soon as you press the Share button, you'll have the exact URL of the YouTube video. If that's all you need, just copy and paste it. Otherwise, let's go to the next step and share.
Make sure you're logged into your favorite social networking service, first. Once you're logged in, and you've pressed the Share button, pick your favorite social networking or microblogging service from the available options. YouTube will automatically create a post for you that lets you share your video with your favorite service, including Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Orkut, and Bebo, and Hi5.
Your post will open in a new window, so you can share with more than one site if you'd like.
You can customize your link with a caption or introduction. The preview and appearance will depend on the service you use and how they handle YouTube videos.