Prayers for June, the Month of the Sacred Heart
The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a moveable feast, but it most often takes place in June, and thus June is traditionally dedicated to the Sacred Heart. That's why on June 1, 2008, at his weekly Angelus address, Pope Benedict XVI urged Catholics "to renew, in this month of June, their devotion to the Heart of Jesus. "The Sacred Heart, as the Holy Father explained, is a symbol "of the Christian faith that is especially dear, to ordinary people as well as to mystics and theologians, because it expresses the 'good news' of love in a simple and authentic way, encapsulating the mystery of Incarnation and Redemption."
The Sacred Heart reminds us that Christ is not God simply appearing as man; He is truly man, just as He is truly God. As Pope Benedict put it, "From the boundless horizon of His love, God entered the limitations of history and of the human condition. He took a body and a heart so that we can contemplate and encounter the infinite in the finite, the invisible and ineffable Mystery in the human Heart of Jesus of Nazareth." In that encounter, we feel the presence of Christ's heart within our own. The Sacred Heart represents Christ's love for all mankind, and our devotion to it is an expression of our faith in His mercy.
We can follow Pope Benedict's example in renewing our devotion to the Sacred Heart by making use of these prayers for June, the month of the Sacred Heart. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a way to express our gratitude for His mercy and love. In this, prayer, we ask Jesus, present in the Eucharist, to purify our hearts and to make them like His own.More »
This prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is offered for the sake of the Church, that Christ may guide and guard it and that we may all remain united to the Church. It is also prayed for the sake of the souls in purgatory, that they may enter more quickly into the fullness of Heaven.More »
In this novena, or nine-day prayer, to the Sacred Heart, we ask Christ to present our request to His Father as His own. While it is especially appropriate to pray this novena around the Feast of the Sacred Heart or during the month of June, it can be prayed at any time of the year.More »
The Sacred Heart reminds us that Christ is not God simply appearing as man; He is truly man, just as He is truly God. As Pope Benedict put it, "From the boundless horizon of His love, God entered the limitations of history and of the human condition. He took a body and a heart so that we can contemplate and encounter the infinite in the finite, the invisible and ineffable Mystery in the human Heart of Jesus of Nazareth." In that encounter, we feel the presence of Christ's heart within our own. The Sacred Heart represents Christ's love for all mankind, and our devotion to it is an expression of our faith in His mercy.
We can follow Pope Benedict's example in renewing our devotion to the Sacred Heart by making use of these prayers for June, the month of the Sacred Heart. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
•Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart
This prayer is often said on or around the Feast of the Sacred Heart. In it, we unite ourselves fully to the Heart of Christ, asking Him to purify our wills so that everything we do may be in line with His Will—and, if we fall, that His Love and Mercy may shield us from the righteous judgment of God the Father.More »•Prayer to the Sacred Heart
The Benedictine nun and mystic St. Gertrude the Great (1256-1302) was one of the first proponents of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This prayer is a model for all of our prayer to the Sacred Heart, as we ask Jesus to conform our hearts to His and our will to His will.More »•Invocation to the Sacred Heart
This short prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is meant to be recited several times each day. It was written by Saint Margaret Mary Alocoque, whose visions of Jesus Christ in the late 17th century are the source of the Feast of the Sacred Heart.More »•Memorare to the Sacred Heart
A “Memorare” is a particular type of prayer that, in Latin, always begins with the word Memorare (“Call to mind” or “Remember”). In this Memorare to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we ask Christ to look not at our sins but to hear our request for a special favor.More »•To the Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a way to express our gratitude for His mercy and love. In this, prayer, we ask Jesus, present in the Eucharist, to purify our hearts and to make them like His own.More »
•For the Help of the Sacred Heart
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is really devotion to His Mercy and His Love. In this prayer for the help of the Sacred Heart, we ask Christ to take away all those human failings that keep us from living full lives as Christians.More »•Act of Love to the Sacred Heart
In this prayer, written by Merry Cardinal Del Val, secretary of state under Pope Saint Pius X, we ask Christ to unite our heart to His, so that we may live our lives as He wishes us to and never forget the sacrifice that He made in dying for us.More »•A Prayer of Trust in the Sacred Heart
The Sacred Heart of Jesus represents Christ’s love for us, and, in this prayer, we put our trust in that love while expressing our own love for Him.More »•Prayer to the Sacred Heart for the Church
This prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is offered for the sake of the Church, that Christ may guide and guard it and that we may all remain united to the Church. It is also prayed for the sake of the souls in purgatory, that they may enter more quickly into the fullness of Heaven.More »
•Novena of Confidence to the Sacred Heart
In this novena, or nine-day prayer, to the Sacred Heart, we ask Christ to present our request to His Father as His own. While it is especially appropriate to pray this novena around the Feast of the Sacred Heart or during the month of June, it can be prayed at any time of the year.More »