How to Sew a Broken Dishes Quilt Block
- 1). Choose two 100 percent cotton fabrics in contrasting solid colors. Refer to them as Fabric A and Fabric B. Launder the fabrics and press.
- 2). Create a template for the right triangle quilt piece. Adjust the size of the template depending on the desired size of the finished block.
- 3). Stack the fabric and use the template to lightly draw the triangle on the fabric. Position the triangle to draw squares on the fabric to make maximum use of the yardage.
- 4). Use the rotary cutter and a straight edge to cut out the triangular pieces. Organize the pieces by color.
- 5). Take one triangle of each of the two colors and place them right sides together, carefully matching up the edges. Stitch down the long side of the triangle. Open the square and press flat. Make four matching two-colored squares.
- 1). Place four two-colored squares on a flat work surface. Position them in two rows of two each.
- 2). Turn the upper left and lower right squares with Fabric A pointing outward. Turn the upper right and lower left squares so that Fabric B is pointing outward. (See Resources)
- 3). Stitch the two blocks in the upper row together and repeat with the other two blocks. Check the positioning (as described in Step 2) and seam the two strips together to complete the block.
- 4). Add a complementing border to all four sides of the finished block. Layer the batting and backing fabric and pin to secure.
- 5). Quilt the block to enhance the pattern. Use the completed block as a pillow top or bind the edges and frame as fabric art.
Cutting and Piecing
Assemble the Block