How to Use the Law of Attraction to Get What You Want
Okay, so you want to know how to use the law of attraction.
This law states that every positive or negative than that happens to you was attracted by you.
Here are the steps to help you learn how to use the law of attraction.
Relax your mind.
Meditate every day for at least 10 minutes.
This will relax your mind and increase your brain power.
This step isn't vital but it is recommended.
Be clear in your mindabout what you want.
By doing this you are sending a request out into the Universe which is made out of thoughts and therefore reacts to thoughts.
If you are clear in your own mind about what you want, the Universe will respond accordingly.
Ask for it.
Consciously make your request.
This doesn't mean you have to say it out loud, but you can if you want to.
But another great way to do this is to vividly picture it in your mind.
Imagine yourself as already having whatever it is that you want.
Write it down.
Write down "I am so grateful and happy now that...
" and complete this sentence, describing exactly what it is that you want.
Feel your wish.
Try to feel how you will feel once your wish is granted.
Speak, act and think just as if it has already happened to you.
This is the most important and most powerful part of the process.
This where it really starts to work.
Be grateful.
Think of all the good things that have happened to you and all the good things that you presently have in your life.
Write it all down in a big long list, and be thankful for all of it.
Put Your Trust in the Universe.
Imagine another dimension where everything that you want instantly happens to you.
Visualize yourself in that dimension.
This law states that every positive or negative than that happens to you was attracted by you.
Here are the steps to help you learn how to use the law of attraction.
Relax your mind.
Meditate every day for at least 10 minutes.
This will relax your mind and increase your brain power.
This step isn't vital but it is recommended.
Be clear in your mindabout what you want.
By doing this you are sending a request out into the Universe which is made out of thoughts and therefore reacts to thoughts.
If you are clear in your own mind about what you want, the Universe will respond accordingly.
Ask for it.
Consciously make your request.
This doesn't mean you have to say it out loud, but you can if you want to.
But another great way to do this is to vividly picture it in your mind.
Imagine yourself as already having whatever it is that you want.
Write it down.
Write down "I am so grateful and happy now that...
" and complete this sentence, describing exactly what it is that you want.
Feel your wish.
Try to feel how you will feel once your wish is granted.
Speak, act and think just as if it has already happened to you.
This is the most important and most powerful part of the process.
This where it really starts to work.
Be grateful.
Think of all the good things that have happened to you and all the good things that you presently have in your life.
Write it all down in a big long list, and be thankful for all of it.
Put Your Trust in the Universe.
Imagine another dimension where everything that you want instantly happens to you.
Visualize yourself in that dimension.