What Time of Year Do You Plant Strawberries?
- Three types of strawberry plants are available: June-bearing strawberries that produce one crop annually, usually in June, everbearing strawberries, which produce one or two crop a season, and day-neutral varieties, which will bear fruit from June through September.
- All three types of strawberry plants will do best if you plant them in late March and April. When early spring arrives, trim off the older leaves of your plants, place the roots in water for an hour, then set each plant in the ground. The crown of the plant should be level with the soil surface.
- According to experts at the University of Illinois Extension, it is important to plant your strawberry plants early so that they can become well-established before hot weather arrives. Put the plants out as soon as you can work the soil if it is reasonably dry. If not, let the earth dry out a few days before proceeding.
Time Frame