Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis
Vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) is a recurrent ocular inflammatory disease that has a seasonal incidence.
It is basically an allergic eye condition, accounting for roughly 0.
1 to 0.
5% of ocular disease.
It tends to occur more in dry, warm climates.
Some people experience symptoms year round, however the peak season for vernal conjunctivitis is between April and August.
VKC is a disease that affects children and young adults.
VKC is associated with a 95% prevalence of concomitant eczema and an 87% prevalence of asthma and other allergic conditions.
Ocular symptoms with seasonal variation (rarely present the year round are) : - oItching oTearing oRopy discharge oBurning oPhotophobia oDecreased vision Other associated no ocular symptoms that can be present are- oDermatitis oAsthma oRhinitis Treatment for VKC is two folds- preventive and therapeutic.
Preventive treatment includes- oWearing dark glasses in daytime and zero number spectacles (if no refractive correction) at night time whenever leaving home.
oAvoiding dusty environment oAvoid going out in the hot afternoons oStart using mast cell stabilizer eye drops as soon as the season for VKC starts to prevent severe eye symptoms oPrompt Ophthalmic consultation whenever ocular symptoms begin Therapeutic treatment includes: - oIntensive therapy of low dose steroid eye drops in severe eye inflammation (only on prescription by Ophthalmologist) oUsing mast cell stabilizer and antihistaminic eye drops oApplying cold compresses to the eyes with ice oDonot splash eyes with water (disturbs the tear film coating the eye ball) Home remedies that help in building immunity to decrease allergic conditions are: - oAmla is rich in Vitamin C, which is good for allergic conditions.
oPure turmeric (haldi), ¼-1/2 teaspoon a day with milk in the morning.
oEating fresh fruits and vegetables.
oAvoiding packed and junk food VKC or that matter any kind of allergy can be only controlled and not cured with medicines.
The key is to control the symptoms to avoid severe form of disease and complications like corneal eye ulcer etc.
As the years go by, the allergic episodes decrease and in some cases patient gets completely cured Dr.
Poonam Gupta is a certified Ophtalmologist specializing in stitchless cataract eye surgeries.
She has written and presented many national and award winning international papers.
She is practicing in Chandigarh, North India, and is also an active online medical consultant for various online medical web resources.
It is basically an allergic eye condition, accounting for roughly 0.
1 to 0.
5% of ocular disease.
It tends to occur more in dry, warm climates.
Some people experience symptoms year round, however the peak season for vernal conjunctivitis is between April and August.
VKC is a disease that affects children and young adults.
VKC is associated with a 95% prevalence of concomitant eczema and an 87% prevalence of asthma and other allergic conditions.
Ocular symptoms with seasonal variation (rarely present the year round are) : - oItching oTearing oRopy discharge oBurning oPhotophobia oDecreased vision Other associated no ocular symptoms that can be present are- oDermatitis oAsthma oRhinitis Treatment for VKC is two folds- preventive and therapeutic.
Preventive treatment includes- oWearing dark glasses in daytime and zero number spectacles (if no refractive correction) at night time whenever leaving home.
oAvoiding dusty environment oAvoid going out in the hot afternoons oStart using mast cell stabilizer eye drops as soon as the season for VKC starts to prevent severe eye symptoms oPrompt Ophthalmic consultation whenever ocular symptoms begin Therapeutic treatment includes: - oIntensive therapy of low dose steroid eye drops in severe eye inflammation (only on prescription by Ophthalmologist) oUsing mast cell stabilizer and antihistaminic eye drops oApplying cold compresses to the eyes with ice oDonot splash eyes with water (disturbs the tear film coating the eye ball) Home remedies that help in building immunity to decrease allergic conditions are: - oAmla is rich in Vitamin C, which is good for allergic conditions.
oPure turmeric (haldi), ¼-1/2 teaspoon a day with milk in the morning.
oEating fresh fruits and vegetables.
oAvoiding packed and junk food VKC or that matter any kind of allergy can be only controlled and not cured with medicines.
The key is to control the symptoms to avoid severe form of disease and complications like corneal eye ulcer etc.
As the years go by, the allergic episodes decrease and in some cases patient gets completely cured Dr.
Poonam Gupta is a certified Ophtalmologist specializing in stitchless cataract eye surgeries.
She has written and presented many national and award winning international papers.
She is practicing in Chandigarh, North India, and is also an active online medical consultant for various online medical web resources.